Hard Truths

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As Josh showed the boys into his living room, he shook his head. "I just don't know what we can do for SAMCRO."

Jax tilted his head. "You know who we are."

Josh nodded as he walked toward a doorway. "Yes, of course. Everyone knows who you all are." He leaned into a hallway. "Carlie! We have company!"

A minute later, an older woman walked into the living room and joined her husband on the couch facing the Sons. Bobby nodded to Jax, who cleared his throat. "We're here about your daughter."

Carlie put her hand on her chest as she gasped. "Has something happened? Is Ali alright? The kids... "

Bobby shook his head. "Nothing like that." When she breathed deeply and nodded, he continued. "We know what you did. What we want to know is whether or not your daughter knows."

Chibs shook his head from beside Bobby. "Let's cut to the chase, yeah?" When he had their attention, he continued. "Ye stole a baby. She's my old lady's twin."

Josh looked at Carlie, who nodded and took a deep breath. "Yes. Allison doesn't know. We never knew how... you have to understand, I wanted... "

Chibs scoffed and shook his head as Jax held up a hand. "No offense, but I really don't give a shit for your reasons or your excuses." He pointed at Chibs. "This man's old lady is Allison's sister. They both have a right to know their family. Now, we're willing to give you a couple of days to tell Allison about what you did, or we'll do it." When Josh started to speak, Jax gave him a look that shut him up. "You need to understand that we're serious. Now, I don't know the statute of limitations on kidnapping, but... "

Juice spoke up from his other side. "There are none. If you don't tell Allison about how you took her, then we'll go to the police with what we have. You'll both go to jail for what's left of your lives."

Josh took a shaky breath and nodded as his wife sat quietly crying into her hands. "We understand, but... this will kill Ali."

Jax shrugged as he stood up. "The truth may hurt but she'll have plenty of new family members to help her through. Two days." He handed Josh a piece of paper. "Call this number when it's done." He started to step back but took a step forward instead, bringing himself nose to nose with Josh. "Her name was Nora, you piece of shit."

Josh puffed up his chest and scoffed at the younger man. "You act so high and mighty, but we all know what you all do, and it's a whole lot worse than anything my wife or myself have ever done."

Jax tilted his head as a rather unpleasant look came over his face. "Oh yeah? Well, my moral compass might not point to true north, but I've never taken an innocent child from its mother and family." He nodded as Chibs patted him on the shoulder, causing Jax to back up. "Two days. We'll be waiting."


Later that evening, Chibs sat beside Jessie on their front porch, swinging in the darkness and just enjoying the quiet. Jessie had been quiet all evening, and he supposed that he had let her stew long enough.

"How are ye takin' all of this mo aon? It's been a lot, yeah?"

Jessie snorted and nodded before laying her head over on his shoulder. "Always the master of understatement, Filip." She sighed as she snuggled closer to him. "It's all just so surreal, you know? I mean, yesterday I didn't have any living family, and today I have a sister that I didn't know about."

Chibs nodded before kissing her on the forehead. "I get that, darlin'."

Jessie gazed out over the front yard for a few minutes before replying. "It's going to be a hard road isn't it?"

Chibs sighed. "Aye, luv, I believe so, but ye gotta look at it from Allison's point of view. She's abou' to be told somethin' that nobody would want to hear. It'll take time for her to decide wha' she wants to do with the information, yeah?"

Jessie nodded. "Yeah, I suppose. I just don't understand why my parents never even mentioned her. I mean, I was young when they died but still."

Chibs shrugged as he squeezed her closer with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Maybe they dinnae like rememberin' wha' they lost."

"I suppose so. It must have been heartbreaking, to lose a child that way and never know where she was."

Chibs sighed. "Jax's boy, Abel? He was stolen when he was a wee lad. Wha' Jackie boy went through... I wouldna wish tha' on anyone, mo aon." He shook his head. "I think if he had been alone today... I dinnae think Allison's ma and da would have survived it."

Jessie gasped. "I didn't know that! I'll have to give Jackson an extra squeeze when I see him. This must be bringing back all kinds of bad memories for him."

"Aye, bu' he go' him back and tha's wha's important, yeah?"

Jessie nodded. "Yes, it is." She turned to look at Chibs in the moonlight. "I'm going to have to wait for her to come to me, aren't I?"

Chibs chuckled. "Aye, darlin', as much as tha' will kill yer very soul."

Jessie snorted as she stood up. "I'm just not good at waiting for things. I generally like to scooch them along whenever possible."

Chibs shook his head as he stood to follow her into the house. "Ye leave it be, mo aon. She'll come to ye when she's ready and no' before. Ye cannae hocus pocus yer own blood."

Jessie giggled as he locked up, waiting until he turned back to her to wrap her arms around his waist. "Well, I could, but I won't m 'anam."

Chibs chuckled as he took her hand and led her down the dark hallway to their bedroom. "Tha's my girl."

Even Odds (Part Five Of The Sisters Of Mercy)Where stories live. Discover now