The Best Years Of My Life

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Allison sat beside Bobby at Jessie and Chibs' kitchen table, looking through pictures with her sister as Ryder and Jordan watched a movie in the living room. Jessie flipped a page in the picture album and sighed before looking at Allison.

"This is mom and dad, probably a year or two before we were born."

Allison pulled the album closer, trying to memorize the faces of the parents that she never knew she had. She felt tears welling up from all of the emotions she had felt that evening, ever since she walked through the door of her sister's home and was drawn into a hug. She cleared her throat and pushed her chair back, looking around the table as she shook her head. 

"I just need a minute alone. I'll be right back."

As she hurried out the back door, she could hear Jessie speaking to Chibs and Bobby, but at the moment she couldn't be bothered to wonder what she said. She just knew that she needed to be alone for a few minutes, to either lose her shit or collect herself, whichever came first. 

She stepped out into the backyard, not at all surprised to see a pretty impressive cauldron set up beneath an old tree. She sat down in the grass and stared out into the darkening evening, trying to control the tears that were now running down her face. She sat like that for a few minutes before she heard a twig snap and looked up to see Bobby standing beside her. She sighed and patted the ground beside her and he chuckled as he sat down beside her and drew her into his side.

"What's wrong, sunshine?"

She shook her head and sighed again before laying her head on his shoulder. "I just... I feel like I've missed out on so much, Bobby. I mean, I could have had a life that I never knew. Parents and a sister that I didn't know about. I feel like I've been cheated and regret not knowing sooner."

Bobby nodded before kissing her on the temple. "I get that, sweetheart. We all get that, but you want to know my opinion on regrets?" When she nodded, he continued. "Regrets do you no good at all, sunshine. I mean, look at it this way. You've lived a whole life already. Do you regret your kids or the time you had with your husband?"

She frowned as she shook her head. "No, of course not. I wouldn't trade the time I had with John for anything or my children, but... "

Bobby chuckled and squeezed her closer. "No buts, darlin'. You can't have it both ways. What your parents did was horrible, but it's done, and if it hadn't happened, you wouldn't have met your husband or had those two kids in there. Nah, the way I see it, you had a good life already. Now, you have a sister to get to know, and memories of your parents to learn, plus a whole new family that you have to put up with." He kissed her on the temple again before looking down at her. "You also need to resolve things with your parents. You can't leave that hanging forever, because sunshine, that's something you will definitely regret." 

Allison said nothing for a few minutes before turning to give him a small grin. "How did you get to be so smart?"

Bobby laughed at that, shaking his head. "Oh, sweetheart, smart is not something I am. I just lived and learned, and held onto some of it, that's all. There are a few things that I am still stupid about."

Allison snorted, making Bobby chuckled harder. "Like what?"

Bobby cleared his throat before replying. "Well, sunshine, for one thing, I'm still trying to figure out how to tell the woman I want that I love her."

Allison turned a surprised face to him, making him wink at her. "What... Bobby, we haven't known each other that long! How can you be so sure about something like that?"

Bobby shrugged. "One thing I've learned is that if you know, you know. I know I want to stick around, and I think we could have something solid and good, sunshine."

Allison looked at him for a moment before grinning and nudging him in the side. "I think we could too, You're just going to have to give me time to get there."

Bobby nodded before standing and holding a hand out to help her up. When she was standing in front of him, he leaned in and kissed her before smiling at her. "I got nowhere else to be, darlin'. You take all the time you need."


When they walked back inside, Jessie immediately pulled Allison into a tight hug, making the other woman laugh quietly.

"I'm sorry that I ran. I just got overwhelmed for a bit."

Jessie pulled back and nodded. "Of course, you did. I've had longer to get used to the idea of you, but at first, I was thrown as well. I just hope you know that I don't mean to make you sad at all. All I hope for is that we'll get to know one another. One step at a time, Ali."

Allison nodded before sighing as she looked at her watch. "I should be getting the kids home. I hope we can do this again."

Jessie smiled and nodded as they followed Chibs and Bobby through the living room. "Oh, definitely. You can't shake us that easily."

Allison laughed before giving Chibs a hug and kiss on the cheek. As she walked outside with Bobby and the kids, she shook her head and chuckled. "Who knew that I'd take a new patient and end up with a whole family?"


This is it for Bobby and Allison, but like the others, they'll return in the next book of the series. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! It's always appreciated. On to the next!

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