Chapter 1: The Legend

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Ten thousand years ago, the world is full of humans and ka monsters living in peace. They were looking after each other and their bonds we're beautifully blooming like a full grown flower but peace began to crack when one man greeds for power and decided to disturb the sleeping Winged Dragon of Ra.

Amun Ra was not pleased as he along with the other Gods and Goddesses watched the Winged Dragon of Ra attack everyone due to its fear and it was trying to protect itself while it was still injured by the rough spiked chains wrapped on one of its feet.

Gandora the Dragon of Destruction who is the bestfriend of Winged Dragon of Ra helped break the chains off his arm and chased after the man who hurted his friend.

Winged Dragon of Ra was still in pain and the Gods and Goddesses were about to come down to help when a young street woman with a beautiful sea green hair, beautiful shade of semi-sun kissed skin, amethyst eyes, pink lips gently approached the scared Ka monster while she sings a beautiful song making the Winged Dragon of Ra somehow calm down and she began to treat it's wound on the best that she could and to this, the Gods and Goddesses watched as the young girl with a pure and brave heart tamed the most powerful beast and just in time Gandora comes back with the man who started it all.

The people and Ka monsters were furious at the man and throw hurtful words at him. The man knew he would die so he did the last thing he could;

The man threw a poisoned dart towards the injury of the Winged Dragon while shouting 'IF I CAN'T HAVE THE MOST POWERFUL MONSTER THEN NO ONE CAN!' but to all their shock, the girl who helped the Winged Dragon of Ra shielded it and took the damage instead.

The Winged Dragon of Ra screech in anger and was about to let a powerful blast when it felt a hand on its claw, the Winged Dragon of Ra saw the dying girl who saved him and said 'please don't attack, the innocent people and Kas will get affected too...please give them all a chance, not all people are scary and I know you are kind...' the girl said before she died with a small smile on her face.

Amun Ra was furious and he along with the other Gods and Goddesses descents down on earth making everyone cower in fear as Gondora the Dragon of Destruction shove the man infront of the Gods and Goddesses as they all bow down to show respect.

The Goddess Isis felt her heart break as she saw the human girl and approach her but the Winged Dragon of Ra beat her to it and gently scooped the girl on his arms as golden hot tears fell off its eyes making everyone gasped in shock for the Winged Dragon of Ra for the first time show tears and trust a human.

Amun Ra ordered Osiris to send the man in the underworld and punish him as Gandora the Dragon of Destruction who along with Winged Dragon of Ra doesn't want to bond with a human showed care to the dead girl.

Osiris the God of Death and Afterlife after having permission to all the Gods and Goddesses perform a spell and said

'In the future, the girl will be reborn again and will become a Princess of a country as the reward for her kindness and bravery that no one else have shown. '

[Present Time]

Ten thousand years have pass and the legend that happened before is still remembered by everyone and is passed down from generation to generation.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon and Queen Helwa is still amazed in that story and even use that story as bed time story to their sons Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami.

They knew the stories are real since Crown Prince Atem possesses Sliffer the Sky Dragon and Prince Yami possesses Obelisk the Tormentor, two of the six legendary Ka monsters. High Priest Seth their cousin possesses Blue Eyes White Dragon and Millenium Scale Bearer Priest Katsuya aka Joey possesses Red Eyes Black Dragon that makes it four out of six legendary Ka monsters in their possession, the only missing was Gandora the Dragon of Destruction and the most powerful being of all, Winged Dragon of Ra.

They have to search for the people who bare those two cause if they fell into some wrong hands, who knows what will happen; Gandora itself can caused mayhem and can banish an entire country if it can but Winged Dragon of Ra is the most dangerous one, it can control the sun and can instantly killed everyone in one single blow.

Unbeknowst to them, Winged Dragon of Ra and Gandora was owned by a single person. In the past, before the girl vanished to be resurrected, Winged Dragon of Ra and Gandora the Dragon of Destruction quietly chanted a forgotten hymn of contract so they won't be separated to the girl they vowed to serve.

"Time may pass but our bonds shall grew strong, we vowed to serve you for the rest of our lives like how you sacrifice yourself to us.

Half sun and half moon shall serve as proof of our contract and will be planted somewhere in your body.

Whenever you need us, your hair shall change into golden strikes as representation of the Winged Dragon of Ra, black tresses as representation of Gandora the Dragon of Destruction and finally amethyst tips to represent the human who save us from harm.

With this, our bodies shall turn into particles and will be infused with the girl's particles as we travel to the next life together and united. "

Somewhere faraway from Egypt, a young girl with a half sun and half moon birthmark found under her breasts lives as a Princess and little did she know that those marks weren't just ordinary birthmarks but the proof that she is the reincarnation of the girl who saved Winged Dragon of Ra.

[A/N: sorry for the late update, I was busy and got sick so my mind is abit hazy but here you are! Will work on the next chapter once I got ideas

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