Chapter 6: Love [1/2]

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Crown Prince Atem, Prince Yami, High Priests, Pharaoh Aknamkannon and Queen Helwa is waiting outside the healing chamber and is waiting for Head Healer Isis to update them about Princess Yugi's current situation. Princess Yugi was currently in terrible condition due to blood loss and alot of injuries.

"I swear that girl is giving me headache!" High Priest Malik said as he still thinks of what Princess Vivian along with Princess Anzu and Rebecca did to Princess Yugi. High Priest Malik knows that Princess Yugi wouldn't do something bad to them for they know that she is a really kind person plus the good Ka spirits are always with her.

"I know how you feel Malik but for now reserve your energy and save it during the trial" High Priest Joey said as High Priest Malik look at him and nods before he sat beside his lover and let him ease his anger by rubbing his arm and side hug him.

A few hours later,Head Healer Isis came out of the chamber with tiredness etched on her face as she looks at the Pharaoh, Queen, Princes and the High Priests.

"how is Princess Yugi?" Pharaoh Aknamkannon asked as soon as he saw his head healer.

"Princess Yugi is still in bad shape but she is far from danger. The Ka spirits known as Mystic Elf, White Magician Pikeru and Dianna Keito the Cure Master is currently doing their best to help Princess Yugi on their own will which haven't happen before till now" Head Healer Isis said for she aswell was surprise that these wild Ka spirits are willing to help someone who doesn't own them and the fact that they not only protect Princess Yugi but also healing her is a big mystery which made everyone shock.

"this is incredible.... ever since Princess Yugi came, wild Ka Spirits always comes here and even the rare and hard to find healing Ka Spirits appears just for her....this is really a miracle!" Pharaoh Aknamkannon said as he looks at the healing chamber's door in awe and is abit relief that Princess Yugi is safe now.

"I hate to be a joy killer here but how will we tell Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba about Princess Yugi's condition? For sure they will not let this pass for Princess Yugi almost die if it wasn't for Gandora." Crown Prince Atem said worriedly as he is scared that war may unleashed and if Princess Yugi doesn't get well not only Emperor Timaeus will go berserk but also Gandora the Dragon of Destruction.

Silence filled them as Crown Prince Atem's words sinks in and they know how the infamous Emperor Timaeus can do, him alone is scary that nobody dares to get on his bad side but add Gandora the Dragon of Destruction, most likely this will cause a great destruction even if they had the Egyptian Ka Gods Osiris the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor. The only one who can calm Gandora is the Winged Dragon of Ra that is currently missing somewhere in the palace and haven't found yet which is also another problem and its all Princess Vivian of China, Princess Anzu of England and Princess Rebecca of America's fault. If they didn't harm Princess Yugi, they won't be stuck in this situation.

They knew that they had to inform the Kings and Queens of China, England, America and Japan because of the incident their daughters got involve in and also for them to get aware of what happened.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon asked High Priest Seth to construct some letters to be send for the said four kingdoms and to be delivered immediately. High Priest Seth immediately excuse himself along with High Priest Joey so he can help his lover since High Priest Joey is an expert when it comes to handling  falcon carriers.

[Time Skip]

A week has passed and thanks to the help of Head Healer Isis along with the aids of the Ka Spirit healers, Princess Yugi manage to recover eighty percent of her injuries and is currently sitting on the healing chamber's bed and is singing for the Ka Spirits, Head Healer Isis and some of her helpers as token of her gratitude which they gladly receive.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon, Queen Helwa, Crown Prince Atem, Prince Yami, High Priests Seth, Joey, Malik, Marik, Ryou, Bakura and soon to be Head Adviser Mahad is currently on the throne room waiting for the Kings and Queens of China, England and America to arrive. Emperor Timaeus and Queen Helwa arrived yesterday while leaving Japan in Crown Prince Critias' care and they arrive just in time Princess Yugi woke up and they are glad that Emperor Timaeus and Queen Helwa isn't mad at them, instead they thank them for doing their best to make sure Princess Yugi recovers. Thankfully they are also aware that Ka Spirits exists and to say Emperor Timaeus and Queen Helwa were shock to find out a powerful Ka Spirit is residing inside their daughter.

After a few hours, the Kings and Queens of China, England and America arrived and they went pale when they saw Emperor Timaeus talking with Pharaoh Aknamkannon while Queen Helwa and Queen Heba went to visit Princess Yugi leaving the boys to greet the royalties that came.

"Welcome to Egypt King Yuan and Queen Mei of China, King Rutherford and Queen Alice of England and lastly King Robert and Queen Samantha of America, I'm glad you all could came but not in this circumstances..." Pharaoh Aknamkannon said as he look sadly at the said Kings and Queens.

"I know Pharaoh Aknamkannon, Emperor Timaeus... I was shock at when I read the letter the Pharaoh sent me, I swore to you we didn't plan for any of this to happened" King Yuan said as he bow at Emperor Timaeus along with Queen Mei, King Rutherford, Queen Alice, King Robert and Queen Samantha.

"sighs... I know but it already happened and the damage is done.....all I want is justice for what your daughters did to my daughter. I am sure you guys would do the same if it happens to your daughters" Emperor Timaeus said as the Kings and Queens nods in agreement of what the Emperor just said for they would do the same if something bad happened to their own child.

part 2 is currently being written, will post it soon :)

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