Final Chapter: Clash Between Good and Evil

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Aigami Diva the man who seeks revenge towards the Pharaoh has the vessel of the strongest Ka Monster that ever existed whose now unconscious in his arms.

He placed Princess Yugi's unconscious body on a bed as he prepare everything for the ritual.

He started drawing the pentagram on the ground using a chalk made of bone ashes then he placed some candles made out of blood before he went to the basement where he hid the urn which became the prisonment of the deity he wanted to revive and he will use Winged Dragon of Ra as the new body Zorc.

[At the Palace]

Everyone is worried about Princess Yugi and is having a hard time planning on how to save her when they didn't know who to fight, where to find her and what is the mastermind's objective in taking the Princess.

"We need to think of all the possibilities that may happened, we can't afford to waste time,we need to prepare and gather all the allies we could get” Crown Prince Atem said making everyone admire him. This proves that Crown Prince Atem would be a splendid ruler someday and a great tactician.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon then decide to ask for Emperor Timaeus' help for he is known as the greatest tactician who lead his army to many victories that's why everyone is afraid of him and respects him.

High Priest Seth immediately sent a letter to Emperor Timaeus through a falcon so it could deliver the letter faster and hopefully the Emperor could come to their aid quickly while High Priest Bakura and High Priest Marik volunteers to search for some clues on where Princess Yugi might be but before they could move an inch, High Priest Ryou had a vision, a scary vision where the entire nation turned into black ashes and left no trace of human alive.

He immediately told them his vision and Pharaoh Aknamkannon immediately sent High Priests Bakura and High Priest Marik in hopes to find and rescue Princess Yugi before its too late.

Princess Iah is worried sick and she is about to follow them when suddenly she felt pain coursing through her as Prince Yami rushed to her side.

“Princess Iah! What is going on?! ” Prince Yami exclaimed as Princess Iah pants as she tried not to scream in pain while holding her chest.

“I can feel Princess Yugi's pain, something is happening to her and I can feel Gandora's wrath, something must be happening to the Winged Dragon of Ra!” Princess Iah said as she summoned Gandora and watch as Gandora tried to locate where the Winged Dragon of Ra is and he had to do it fast for he knows that his friend is in pain due to that soft voice that he could hear through their mind link.

[At Ku Elna before Princess Iah felt the pain]

Aigami just finished all the preparations for the ritual as Princess Yugi is laying in the middle or the circle he draw on the floor and began chanting the spell making Princess Yugi's body float as onyx colored chains appear from the circle and wrapped into the Princess' wrists, neck, waist, legs and ankles before it glows red making Princess Yugi scream in pain as she felt something invading her body and is making its way towards Winged Dragon of Ra making the said dragon roar and uses its power to fend off the spirit that is trying to invade making Aigami bite his lower lip as he feel like he is burning and he knows that the Winged Dragon of Ra is fighting back as a golden orb surrounds Princess Yugi and the chains are turning bright red as Princess Yugi woke up while panting hard as she tries to help the Winged Dragon of Ra fend off the invading spirit inside her.

Aigami knew this is dangerous and he might die and thought that if the Winged Dragon of Ra has power to fend the spirit off, Princess Yugi doesn't so he tried transferring Zorc's spirit to Princess Yugi since he knew that the Winged Dragon of Ra could do nothing but obey his vessel. He changed his chant and Princess Yugi's body slowly turns black but he didn't expect Princess Yugi to fought back as she summons the Winged Dragon of Ra and the said dragon immediately attacks Aigami making him scream as he felt the hot golden fire from the Winged Dragon of Ra surrounding him as the Winged Dragon of Ra sets Princess Yugi free and immediately flew out back to the palace leaving Aigami on the verge of death but he still continued the chant since the chains is still wrapped on the Princess' body.

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