Chapter 5: Consequence

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After two days, Princess Yugi woke up from her slumber. She gently sits down as she is wearing her sleeping plain white kimono as her long hair is hanging by her shoulder and she notice some Ka monsters is asleep on the extra spaces of the huge bed making her smile as she braid her hair after she finger comb her hair.

She was surprise when someone knocks on the door then sees two heads peeking inside and its no other than the two Princes then followed by their friends, the Pharaoh and the Queen.

"oh Princess Yugi you're awake, I'm sorry if we intrude in and we just want to check how you are after all we promise Gandora to look after you also we would like to inform you that your companions General Amelda and General Valon is asked to return to back to Japan to report to your parents about your condition and wereabouts." Pharaoh Aknamkannon said as they sit on the chairs beside the bed.

"so you all met my Ka monster...Gandora... I'm sorry that I didn't tell you all cause I am afraid for his safety and I promise him that I won't tell anyone that he is inside me...also thank you for informing me about them my King." Princess Yugi replies as she bows abit as she frowns thinking they are upset at her for not informing them making everyone panic and tell her that they respect her decision and that she doesn't need to apologize.

"no it's okay besides Gandora told us to look after you in exchange for he will lend his strength when needed" High Priest Ryou said as he and the others saw that Princess Yugi is relief she isn't in trouble.

" u-um can I ask a question about Gandora...." Princess Yugi started hoping to know more about the dragon inside her.

"sure what is it that you wanna know dear?" Queen Helwa asked as she stands up and sits on the empty spot on the bed so she can stroke her hair.

"well... how did you guys know Gandora and what sort of power does he have that he wants me to not tell anyone about him?" Princess Yugi asked as she looks at them as she grips on the bed sheets.

"well to answer your question, Gandora is the fourth most powerful monster for Gandora alone can wipe an entire nation by his own and were afraid that if he went to some wrong hands, they will use him to cause mayhem and destruction that's why we keep looking for him and the Wing Dragon of Ra" Pharaoh Aknamkannon said as he look at the now shock Princess who just learned that the Ka inside her was a powerful one and she place a hand on her chest.

"Can you all please leave me alone for abit? I-it's just not easy to digest everything... please?" Princess Yugi asked and the others nods and left her alone. They decide to give her time to take it all in and let her come by her own when she is ready.

The Ka monsters who woke up when they felt the disturb energy coming from the Princess and kuriboh went near her and pats her hand making the Princess look at him as he was gently engulf into a hug by the Princess and the other Ka monsters decided to join in the hugging session making Princess Yugi giggle at the small gestures they made making her feel more better.

[Meanwhile at the dining table]

"Food! " High Priest Joey said as his eyes sparkle at the feast infront of him.

"Calm down pup" High Priest Seto said as he look at his lover whose practically filling his plate with lots of food.

The others just sigh on this for there's no stopping High Priest Joey when it comes to food and they are used to this scenario by now.

After eating, since they are free today, they decide to go visit Princess Yugi again and bring her some food. After their short visit and deliver the Princess' food, they began leaving since Princess Yugi needs to take a bath while Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami has lessons with the Royal Advisor in Training and Head Magician Mahad.

"boring" High Priest Marik said as they walk towards the private garden while thinking of something fun to do.

"Let's get some fun! Maybe we can play some pranks on some annoying Princesses!" High Priest Bakura suggests as he rubs his hands together while formulating some pranks to deploy making High Priest Marik grin and joins High Priest Bakura on planning.

"Kura, promise me you'll behave" High Priest Ryou said as he sighs knowing that his lover and High Priest Marik is up to no good as High Priest Malik slaps his forehead.

As they keep walking, they heard some shouts and decides to follow the noise. They turn left and they found out that Princess Yugi is being held by Princess Anzu and Princess Rebecca on the ground as she has some slashes on her arms and legs, her gown is torn and has some blood flowing out of her injuries and soaked her gown making Princess Yugi close to fainting.

"You listen here and listen very well! Prince Yami is mine and I won't let anyone steal him away from me!" Princess Vivian said as she is about to hurt her again when suddenly Princess Yugi's body glows and Gandora comes out and roars angrily making the three Princesses shiver in fear as he slams his tail towards the three Princesses making their back slam into the wall as they groan in pain and pinned them on the wall using his tail as Gandora gently scoops his beloved Princess Yugi who smiles weakly and places a hand on one of its hand trying to tell him that she will be fine before she faint.

" YOU FOOLISH MORTALS! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY VESSEL! IF YOU GUYS DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS AND LET PRINCESS YUGI DIE, I SWEAR I WILL DECLARE WAR!" Gandora said angrily making everyone in the palace go to where they are after hearing Gandora talk angrily while he protects the injured Princess in his arm.

Head Healer Isis gently approaches Gandora and told him that she has to take the Princess to heal her making Gandora nods and gently hands her the unconscious Princess as his brother High Priest Malik carries her and they immediately went to the medical wing to attend the critical Princess.

"Gandora, I will handle it from here please believe us and rest assure we won't let this slide and punish them, please calm down." Pharaoh Aknamkannon said as he bow before the enraged dragon before he call the head guard Honda and Ryuuji along with some guards to held Princesses Anzu, Vivian and Rebecca to send the three Princesses to the dungeon and will be held into trial once Princess Yugi wakes up.

"I will attend the said trial to see for myself that you are telling the truth, heed my words for this is not an empty threat!" Gandora said as the red gems on his body glows indicating that he is telling the truth before he faces the three Princesses and roars angrily making the said Princesses and all the people inside the palace whimper in fear as the three Princesses were being drag away as he slowly disappear back to Princess Yugi's body.


sorry for the late update, I'm having author's block and I'm reading some stories and watching some animes in hopes to gain some ideas and put them together so I could write some updates. If you guys have some suggestions, feel free to comment below and again thank you for supporting my story :)

see you all in the next update!!!!

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