Chapter 8: Princess Iah

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They decided to move Princess Yugi and Princess Iah to Princess Yugi's room so they could both rest and left Queen Heba and Queen Helwa so they could dress them up while the boys were waiting outside of the room and still trying to digest the information they just receive.

They still couldn't believe that Gandora and Winged Dragon of Ra resides inside Princess Yugi for a long time and all this time they were right under their noses  and now Princess Iah was created out of Princess Yugi thanks to their deities.

The next day, Princess Yugi is awake but Princess Iah is still asleep. They keep observing Princess Yugi all day and they were glad that there is no other changes in her except that she's more cheerful than before. It was dinner time when Princess Iah woke up and she immediately hug Princess Yugi who was shock but hug back her now twin sister.

She help Princess Iah get ready. Princess Yugi is wearing a simple midnight blue tube gown while Princess Iah is wearing a simple silver white gown that reaches up to their ankles with a matching color pair of shoes as their gown.

Everyone in the dining room is shock to see Princess Yugi and Princess Iah together which made Princess Iah tense until she felt Princess Yugi's hand on top of hers which made her relax and quickly Queen Helwa ushers them to sit and they began to eat.

[Time Skip: 3 months later]

Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba has gone back to Japan once they are sure their now two daughters are fine and has fully adjust. Crown Prince Atem fells deeper for Princess Yugi while Prince Yami is developing feelings for Princess Iah.

Princess Iah is likable but scary. She is over protective of Princess Yugi but this doesn't stop Prince Yami for falling for Princess Iah who prefers combats than doing stuffs like Princess Yugi does because she's abit tomboyish.

Prince Yami is currently watching Princess Iah whose wearing a plain cream sleeveless dress with a skirt that reaches above her knees and is practicing her archery skills. In just a short span of time, Princess Iah already mastered sword fighting, hand to hand combat, defense and now archery while the only thing she hasn't mastered yet is her feelings and adjusting to everything since she was just "born" and feelings is something that is hard to decipher and understand unless everything is clear and you accept it.

"I know you're there Prince Yami, stop hiding behind a tree and you can watch freely..." Princess Iah said as she face his direction as Prince Yami comes out with a red face after being caught red handed by the object of his affection.

Meanwhile on the private garden, Crown Prince Atem is hanging out with Princess Yugi as they enjoy sketching some flowers when in reality, Crown Prince Atem is sketching Princess Yugi who is sketching the flowers. 

Crown Prince Atem's feelings for Princess Yugi has grown and didn't wavered. He liked her ever since he lay his eyes on her before all the fiasco happened. Naturally, his feelings for her just developed the more that he knew about her more and Princess Yugi whose having conflicts before now clearly understands that she has feelings for the Crown Prince and what she felt on Prince Yami was just a love of a friend and nothing more.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon and Queen Helwa is scared that their sons might fought over cause they knew Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami are inlove with Princess Yugi but ever since Princess Iah came, those fear is gone and is replaced with ease and calmness.

Days pass by and Crown Prince Atem and Princess Yugi's feelings for each other grow same as Prince Yami and Princess Iah's feelings for each other and it's blossoming beautifully but ofcourse it's not always peaceful.

It was a quiet afternoon and everyone was spending time under the largest tree located at the private garden when Princess Iah felt a dark aura inside the palace as he secretly look around to not startle everyone.

Princess Iah closes her eyes as she talk to Gandora and ask him to find the enemy before something bad happened which Gandora agrees as he silently search for the enemy that has enter the palace.

She trained herself to get stronger so she could protect everyone especially Princess Yugi who she was created from and her other half. Princess Yugi is also the main reason why she is created and why she became Gandora's vessel, to protect Princess Yugi from harm.

After a few minutes Gandora sents a message to Princess Iah about the enemy's whereabouts and she reveals to everyone about what is happening and told them her plans.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon nods and proceeds to the throne room along with the High Priests, Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami as Princess Yugi stays on her room  while they pretend to not know anything about it but the Millennium Ring showed High Priest Ryou that this will happened and decide to not tell it cause Princess Iah told it to them before he could which saves him from explaining things.

They all got in their positions as the assassin didn't know he was already figured out and that Princess Iah is using the shadows to hide herself and move behind the assassin whose planning to kill Pharaoh Aknamkannon and Queen Helwa.

The assassin was in position and was about  to blow the poison darts but was knocked out by Princess Iah as Gandora carries the unconscious assassin and disarms him and chained both arms and legs.

After a few minutes the assassin wakes up and sees himself in the trial and he was force to admit all the plans he was force to do cause if he don't Gandora will eat him and he will be tortured by the three sadist High Priests whose holding some sharp knives.

"The real reason I was here is to be a bait, an unknown man who possesses a golden cube..he hired me to do this and his goal is to abduct the vessel of Winged Dragon of Ra."

The assassin said as a  guard barges in and told them that Princess Yugi is kidnapped by a man who instruct him to tell them that he will soon conquer Egypt and he goes by the name Aigami Diva.


sorry for the late update since I got busy then got busy these past days and this book is almost finish. Once again I thank you to all who subscribe and read this story. I'm currently interested in Kuroko No Basket and might write a fanfic about it well idk yet I'm still thinking about it, what do you guys think?

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