Chapter 7: Eclipse

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A ball of light appears and slowly it gets bigger and bigger until a golden circular object is floating in the middle of the room. Slowly it unravel itself as light keeps emitting from it making everyone shield itself from the blinding light and when the bright light is gone, the missing Winged Dragon of Ra appears as it screetch making everyone unable to move due to shock.

“Unforgivable..... I'm planning to sleep for eternity yet a greedy person appears again and to think that the person who I cherish the most is on the brink of death again.... unforgivable...” Winged Dragon of Ra said as its eyes glimmer that promises pain as he looks at everyone in the room before it become soft at the sight of the poor Princess that is in pain before some healing Ka Spirits appear making Prince Yami shock as he still held the unconscious Princess while the Ka Spirits surrounded them and began healing Princess Yugi.

The Winged Dragon of Ra seems pleased as it turned into the person who did it and before the culprit could move, Gandora suddenly appears behind the culprit before it removed the cloak revealing the former council member which is stripped of the title due to abuse of power.

“Pharaoh Aknamkannon I hope you handle the situation here, I promise myself to not hurt anyone and that Princess is precious to me for she is Gandora's vessel... also I suggest that you resolve this if not, goodluck facing Gandora” the Winged Dragon of Ra said as he prepares to disappear but is stop by Crown Prince Atem.

“w-wait! Where are you going? We finally found you after being missing for a long time, please don't leave... what if someone tries to hunt you and the history repeats again?” Crown Prince Atem said as he begs the Legendary Sun Dragon to stay so they could protect him.

“fear not Crown Prince for my vessel will appear soon and the only clue that I could give you is that under her bossom, the symbol of the sun can be found” Winged Dragon of Ra said before he vanished just as the Ka Spirits finish healing Princess Yugi and vanished aswell after Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba thank them.

Later on,Pharaoh Aknamkannon decide to kill the ex-council member due to treason, assasination of the Crown Prince and for harming Princess Yugi. Gandora is the one who roast him alive  after having the Pharaoh's permission then Gandora returns inside Princess Yugi.

[ A few days later ]

The others and Princess Yugi's parents is currently inside the palace discussing the issue that just happened regarding the Princesses, EX-Council Member and the appearance of Winged Dragon of Ra.

Princess Yugi is fully healed and she is currently in the garden finished giving the knitted bracelets for the Ka spirits that helped her. Gandora already told her he was thankful enough by how she worries about Ka Spirits and appreciating them so she doesn't have to do anything for them.

Princess Yugi is now left on her own as she thinks about the two Princes who helped her and showed her kindness, she couldn't help but start harbouring feelings for the both of them.

Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami treats her right and they were always there for her and all but she knew that she could only choose one of them for its forbidden to have two lovers and one should be loyal to each other without knowing the two Princes harbours feelings towards her aswell; It's not that she's oblivious, it's just that she doesn't want to assume anything and she has to be careful aswell cause she doesn't wanna repeat what happened the way Princess Vivian, Princess Anzu and Princess Rebecca did and hurt her and make everyone worried.

She was still in deep thought when the sky suddenly turned dimmed yet it's still bright. She looks up and sees the moon overlaps with the sun and she gasps when a sudden pain struck her body as her birthmark glows and the light from the eclipse envelopes her body while she began to float in midair.

She felt her body getting hotter and hotter like she was on fire making her scream in pain as her without knowing that another body is being formed.

A girl with long hair but instead of sea green hair, it was a tri-color hair. Golden bangs like lightningbolts, black pearl mid tresses flowing down and the tips were like amethyst. Her eyes were sharp and is colored amethyst like the tip of her hair. She has a tan skin and has the same height as the original body while the sun birthmark is left on Princess Yugi's body and the moon birthmark on the other.

The light vanished as Princess Yugi and her duplicated body gently lays on the ground both unconscious.

They were both lying on the grass naked, their long hair is he only thing that serves as cover to their body as Gandora and Winged Dragon of Ra comes out for they knew this is for the best so Princess Yugi's body won't be in pressure instead of transforming her body like before and they had to make sure the others should be inform so they could explained well everything so the Pharaoh and other holders of the powerful Ka Spirits can protect them.

Winged Dragon of Ra began to send a telephatic message to Osiris the Sky Dragon and Obelisk the Tormentor and within a few seconds, Pharaoh Aknamkannon, Queen Helwa, High Priests, Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba arrived to the garden and they gasp as they saw Princess Yugi and another girl lying beside her.

“Winged Dragon of Ra, me and my brother receive messages from Osiris and Obelisk, what is it that you have to tell us?” Prince Yami asks as Ryou and Malik remove their capes and covers the girls' naked form.

“It is time to tell you all the truth... Princess Yugi is mine and Gandora's vessel. She is the reincarnation of the girl who saved me a long time ago but she doesn't knew it since she has no memory of the past. Me and Gandora decided to fused in with her before she was reincarnated for we are forever grateful of her so we both choose her as our vessel but her body is straining and is getting pressured since there are two of us inside her so Amun Ra and the Gods and Goddesses decide to create a new one out of Princess Yugi. The new one will be Gandora's vessel while Princess Yugi shall be my vessel.... I am sorry Emperor Timaeus, Queen Heba for this is the only way to avoid your daughter from dying and so all of you could protect our vessels from harm” Winged Dragon of Ra explained as Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba went forward and hug their now two daughters and they told Winged Dragon of Ra and Gandora that it was fine and thank the Gods for saving their daughter.

Pharaoh Aknamkannon, Queen Helwa, Crown Prince Atem, Prince Yami, High Priests Seth, Joey, Bakura, Ryou, Marik and Malik promised the two dragons to do their best and protect them and swore before their deities that they will do their best protect Princess Yugi and the other Princess who Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba decide to call Iah which means moon in egyptian language after Queen Heba notice the moon symbol  under her bossom after she check both her now two daughter's body for any injuries.


here's the update sorry it took so long, I'm still having mental block and trying to squeeze some ideas so do expect for late updates.

What will happened now Princess Iah and how will she react when she wakes up?

See you on the next update :)

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