Chapter 2

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"What happened to her arm?"

"Is she okay?"

"Maybe someone should talk to her..."

Y/n shrank down at her desk, trying to hide the enormous bruise that stretched down her arm to her elbow. It didn't work very well.

"Y/n-chan, are you okay?" Nene asked worriedly from behind her. Y/n turned to face her, smiling weakly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fell down the stairs at home." She said. Nene narrowed her eyes.

"That's what you say when something bad is happening." She said suspiciously. "Is everything actually alright?" Y/n laughed nervously.

"No, nothing's wrong, I promise." She said. Nene relaxed a little.

"Okay, if you say so. I trust you." 

~Time skip~

After school again. Y/n was determined not to be late this time.

She rushed down the hallway, not stopping to talk to any stragglers making their way home as well.

Finally, she turned a corner and found herself alone in a hallway. Well, almost alone...

Y/n gasped as she came face to face with the apparition from yesterday. Then, realizing he had noticed her reaction, she laughed uncomfortably.

"Um, sorry about that." She apologized. "Guess my secret is out. Um, you were hanging out with Nene-chan, right?" The spirit boy stared at her, his expression blank. 

At that moment, Y/n noticed a few differences. Instead of a seal on his left cheek, it was on his right. He wore a kimono with a white button-up shirt underneath. His willow wisps were black instead of white.

"Wait..." Y/n said, taking a step back. "Are you... even the same spirit?" The boy kept staring, his orange eyes boring into her E/c ones.

Unnerved, Y/n continued walking, trying to ignore the feeling that he was still watching her as she walked away.

~Time skip~

When she got home, Y/n realized with relief that her mother was on the phone upstairs. She wouldn't have noticed that she was half an hour late. 

As she climbed the stairs up to her room, she thought about the ghost boy she had seen today. If he wasn't the same one as the one with Nene, then why did they look the same? Were they twins or something? Y/n's train of thought ended when she heard mom hanging up on the phone. She immediately sat down at her desk and made it look like she was in the middle of her homework. 

Her mother walked in, pausing to watch Y/n study, before muttering, "Finally, doing something useful." And shutting the door.

Y/n released a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Then, with that, she started her homework.


So, I've gotten excited about this, so I might do a few more chapters all in a row. So...

Screw the whole "new chapter coming soon" thing!

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now