Chapter 18

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It had started out as an innocent game.

The Mokke loved to play games.

However, it got out of hand...

Very quickly...

~Flashback (Mokkes' POV)~

It all started with the candy.

The Mokke had been peacefully sleeping, but when they woke up...

Their candy was GONE.


"Where is it?!"



Their cries of despair echoed throughout the whole building.

"Excuse me." An unfamiliar voice said. The Mokke turned to look at the door, tears in their eyes.

 The Mokke turned to look at the door, tears in their eyes

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An apparition they had never seen before stood there. It was all dark, only a shape. It was holding...


"That's ours!"

"Give it back, please!"

The ghost laughed, and hid the bag of sweets behind its back.

"Nuh-uh." It said, amused. "Not yet. You've gotta play a game with me, first. Then you can have it back. Is that alright with you?" The Mokke nodded frantically.


"We'll play!"


The apparition squatted, looking closely at all of the Mokke. The pink spirits felt like they were lollipops being stared at by a very hungry child.

"Okay." The apparition said, clapping its hands together. The Mokke wondered in alarm where their candy went. "The game we'll play is hide and seek! I'm the seeker. If at least one of you manages to hide for five hours without me finding you, you get your candy back. If not..." The ghost cocked its head. "You'll never see it again!"

The Mokke gasped in horror.

"Give us a minute!"

"No, two minutes!"

"No, three!"

"I'm going to give you five minutes." The spirit said. "All of you have to hide in different spots, and you can't leave this building. Those are the only rules. Well, I'm starting to count!"

"Hide!" The Mokke said in unison. Then, they scampered out of the room and down the hallway.

~Time skip back to the present~

By the time four hours had passed, there was only one Mokke left.

It shivered, remembering the sounds it had heard during that time.

Whatever had happened, it seemed the punishment for being found was horrible.

Suddenly, the Mokke heard the sound of faint humming. It cowered in the bookshelf it was hiding in. This was the tenth time it had heard this tune. Every time it had been sung, a scream of terror was heard.

There were eleven Mokke. But now, ten of them were gone.

Only one was left.

One more hour, and the candy would be returned. One more hour...

The humming stopped.

The silence was almost unbearable. The spirit closed its eyes tightly.

"I found you..." A singsong voice said lightly. A smell of caramel filled the air. The Mokke slowly opened its eyes, terrified.

Instead of the dark shape, the apparition had a form. It wore a boy's school uniform, and had hair the color of a Mokke.

The color of a Mokke...

The Mokke squeaked, realizing why it smelled like caramel.

The dark, soulless eyes of the ghost widened, its mouth open to reveal a row of very sharp teeth.

"I found something interesting, you know." It mused, picking up the Mokke. "You guys taste like candy, and your blood smells like caramel." It cocked its head, smiling hugely with an insane look in its eyes as it held the Mokke above its open mouth. "Isn't that weird?"

"H-HELP-!" The Mokke screamed, hoping for someone to come.

If someone heard, it was too late.

With a chomp, the Mokke was no more.

"Ah, they were delicious!" The ghoul hummed, wiping its mouth. "Honestly, I'd rather eat spirits than humans ANY day!"

It laughed, and left the room, popping a candy into its mouth.

"I win..."


End of chapter

New chapter coming soon

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now