Chapter 20

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~Y/n's POV~

When she arrived at the recording room, Y/n opened the door and was immediately forced back by a gust of freezing air.

She hesitantly entered, and saw 3 things:

1. Sakura, wrapped in what looked like 30 different blankets and still shivering a little.

2. Natsuhiko, trying to get by with no blankets but was shivering immensely.

3. Tsukasa, sitting on the couch in a fetal position; it seemed that it got colder the closer you got to him.

"What's going on?" Y/n asked, hugging herself to keep warm. Natsuhiko looked up at her.

"W-who kn-knows?" He stuttered, teeth chattering. "Ts-Tsukasa j-j-just c-came in l-like th-th-this. S-s-someone m-must h-have p-p-p-pissed him off r-really b-b-badly or s-s-s-something." Y/n looked at Sakura for answers.

She just shrugged, though it was hard to tell under the mountain of blankets.

"Tsukasa-?" Y/n began.

"D-don-t b-b-bother..." Natsuhiko said. "H-he w-w-won't listen t-t-to anyone."

Y/n ignored him and walked up to the ghost boy, feeling like she was about to freeze.

"Tsukasa?" She said again. He didn't answer.

Y/n noticed that his mouth was moving, and she realized he was saying something.

"What?" She asked. Suddenly, Tsukasa looked up at her. He had stopped talking, and she was taken aback by how angry he looked.

"What happened?" She breathed, the cold seeming nonexistent at the moment. Tsukasa stared at her before looking back down and talking again. She strained to hear him.

"...gonna kill him..." He muttered. " dare he...he'll die...I hate him..."

"Tsukasa!" Y/n said, a little louder this time. He didn't react. She sighed.

Sorry, Tsukasa, but you won't listen to me...

"TSUKASA-SAAAAAAAAN!!!!" She yelled in his ear.

"I TOLD YOU THAT ITS JUST TSUKASAAAAA!!!" Tsukasa yelled back, leaping off the couch and spinning to meet her stare.

They stared silently at each other for a long time. Then, Y/n put a hand to her mouth and started to laugh.

Tsukasa stared at her in shock.

"What's so funny?" He asked defensively. The room was steadily getting warmer again. Y/n wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry..." She giggled. "You're just... so cute!"

The look on his face made her go quiet.

Tsukasa turned away, obviously hurt.

"Fine, then." He mumbled. "I see how it is... I'm the 'cute' one, am I? Well, fine. I'm leaving." With that, he grabbed the door knob and opened the door.

"Wait!" Y/n exclaimed. She didn't really get what the problem was, but she didn't want him to go. "Don't leave! I'm sorry, please come back!" Tsukasa paused and turned to look at her.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asked. "No one wants me here, anyway."

"Where did you get that from?!" Y/n said in dismay. "Of course we want you here!" Tsukasa shook his head, folding his arms. There was a look on his face that Y/n couldn't decipher.

Anger...? No, more like... what was it?

"Well, Sakura and Natsuhiko have got each other." He said, causing the two of them to look at each other with confusion. "And you've got what's-his-name... Hisato Nakamura, right? Who cares... point is, I'm not needed here!" He turned away, about to leave, when Y/n grabbed his arm.

"Okay, first of all, I don't like him!" She exclaimed (that was a lie, but she wasn't thinking about it). "And second, what does that have to do with anything?!" Suddenly, the look on his face became clear.

It was the same expression he wore when Hanako had touched her shoulders, and he had pulled her away.


"Wait... are you jealous?!" Y/n exclaimed. "Of what?!" 

Tsukasa turned his head, making it obvious that he wasn't going to answer. She grabbed his face and turned it forcibly.

"Well?!" She said angrily. "Why can't you answer-" She stopped when she saw his face.

He was crying. He was clearly trying not to, but he couldn't stop. His eyes were glossy and wet, and she could feel that he was holding back sobs.

"Tsukasa..." Y/n whispered, letting go. He turned and fled down the hallway.



New chapter coming soon

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now