Chapter 28

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The two girls walked around the school, chatting about all sorts of things (mostly relating to school). Then, Sakura stopped and looked at Y/n.

"Y/n, do you like anyone?" She asked. Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you said we weren't gonna talk about crushes?" She joked. Sakura smiled mysteriously.

"Maybe I'm being somebody's agent." She suggested. "Maybe I'm just trying to get information." Y/n laughed.

"I seriously doubt that." She said. "But, if you really wanna know..." Y/n noticed that Sakura was listening intently, her gaze focused. She started to wonder if what she said might be true.

She pushed her H/c hair behind one ear with embarrassment. What if Sakura knew, and was going to help them get together? No, there was no way. He definitely didn't like Y/n in that way!

"I do wanna know." Sakura said, bringing Y/n out of her thoughts. She was still waiting patiently for Y/n's answer.

"Well..." Y/n laughed nervously. "I like..." Sakura looked tense, as if she were really hoping for something.

"I like... Hisato Nakamura!" She blurted, covering her face with her hands soon after. "Gah, I said it!"

Sakura stared at her. Her eyes slowly closed with what seemed like disappointment.

"I... see." She said stiffly. She didn't sound happy. Y/n sighed, knowing that, if Sakura was someone's wing man, she wasn't Hisato's.

"Sorry..." Y/n apologized. "Is there... someone who likes me?" Sakura laughed forcefully. It didn't sound natural at all for her.

"No." She finally said. "No, of course not." She muttered something under her breath, but Y/n didn't catch it.

"What?" She asked. "Say that again!"

"I said that-"

"You're the girl who was hanging out with Yashiro."

Y/n spun around in surprise, finding herself face to face with Hanako-san, the Seventh School Wonder.

"H-hi...?" She said weakly, stepping towards Sakura. "What are you doing here...?" Then, Y/n noticed the sad expression on the ghost's face.

"Do you know where she is?" The boy asked. "She hasn't been visiting, and I looked all over the school for her... is she just avoiding me?" He looked down at the ground.

"Oh, right, you wouldn't know..." Y/n said slowly. All of her fear of the apparition had vanished. "She's really sick."

Hanako's eyes widened with fear. "What?! What happened?! Is she dying?! What's wrong with her?!" His clear concern for Nene's safety shocked Y/n.

"Um, Y/n...?" Sakura asked quietly. "Should I leave...?" Y/n turned to face the girl and smiled.

"No, you can stay if you want." She said. Sakura nodded and stayed put. Y/n turned back to Hanako, who still looked terrified.

"A few days ago, she was violently sick in the classroom, and so she went home." She explained. "She hasn't been back since. You wouldn't know, though, being a spirit." Hanako's gaze was glassy as he thought in silence.

"Could it have been...?" He mumbled.

"What?" Y/n asked. Hanako focused on her.

"Just a quick warning." He said suddenly. "If you see any spirits, tell them that there's something dangerous on the prowl. I believe that it's behind the disappearance of apparitions recently. I don't know what it is, but several ghosts have gone missing." Y/n stared at him in shock.

"Wait, what?" She said worriedly. "When did this start?"

"About a week ago." Hanako answered. "Yashiro and I noticed that the Mokke from the old building were gone. Then it was the kodama in the practice garden. The most recent vanishing was a day before..." He paused, looking closely at Y/n. "You're a good friend of Yashiro, right? And you care about her?"

Y/n nodded. "Of course! She was the first person who talked to me when I first came to this school! If there's something wrong with her, I'll be happy to help her!" Hanako smiled sadly.

"It's nice to see she has such good friends." He said. Then, he became serious again. "Anyway, the day before Yashiro... got sick, I found her in a classroom in the old building. She... was covered in blood and puke, and she couldn't stop crying." Y/n paled. Hanako bit his lip, stopping.

"No, continue." Y/n urged. The boy hesitated before speaking again.

"She wouldn't tell me what happened, but she wasn't the only one in the room. Another apparition was discovered there. He wasn't dead, but he was unconscious. He hasn't woken up since we found him, so he can't tell us, either. And... there was someone else. Well, half of someone else..."

Sakura, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly spoke. "What do you mean by that? Were they half eaten?" Hanako flinched, and Y/n felt sick.

"Oh my god..." She said, holding her stomach. "So, you're telling me that the spirits that have disappeared were eaten?" Hanako nodded.

"That's what I think." He said. "You might not be acquainted with this apparition, but she was Yako of the Misaki Stairs, the Second School Wonder. This means that the creature here is probably powerful. However, I can't find it anywhere, which leads me to believe that it's disguised as a student or teacher here at the school."

Y/n felt sick again. She remembered Yako-chan. Y/n had met her the day she apparently died.

She had been very pretty. Now she was dead...

"So, the thing here is in a disguise?" Sakura asked. "That would mean that it would have to take the form of a new student or teacher. I don't know anyone like that." She turned to Y/n. "Do you?"

Y/n shook her head slowly as if she were in a trance. "No, I can't think of anyone..."

Hanako sighed. "That's alright. I only came to you to ask you about Yashiro. So, I'll be going now." He turned to leave.

"Wait!" Y/n suddenly called. Hanako froze and looked back at her.

"Yes?" He asked, looking a little confused.

"Do you like Nene-chan?" Y/n blurted. The boy stiffened, a light blush touching his face.

"W-what?!" He stammered, flustered. "Why would you ask that out of the blue?!" Y/n smiled.

"Because you seem to really care about her." She said simply.

"That's because she's my friend!" Hanako exclaimed. "Of course I care about my friend!" Y/n laughed.

"It's just really obvious." She said. "Besides, I think she likes you, too." Hanako stopped, staring straight at Y/n with obvious surprise.

"Really...?" He asked, sounding a little hopeful.

"Yeah." Y/n said. "Nene-chan makes it really easy to tell. She gets super flustered whenever she talks about you. So, I think she likes you back."

Hanako looked away, smiling a little. "Well, um, thank you for the information..." He said slowly. "I've gotta go, now, so..." He waved as he floated down the hallway. "Bye!"

Sakura looked at Y/n with interest. "Hey, Y/n."


"How do you feel about Tsukasa?" Sakura asked, smirking a little. Y/n blushed.

"W-What's that supposed to mean?!" She squeaked. "H-He's my friend, of course! What else did you think?!" 

Sakura chuckled. "Let's go back to the recording room." She said.

With that, the two girls headed back the way they came, Y/n still a little flustered.


New chapter coming soon!

Sorry if it was a little long :(

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now