Chapter 10

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Y/n woke up to the sound of arguing. 

"...not okay, Tsukasa!"

"...deserved it..."

"...calm down..."

"...wrong with you..."

However, when she sat up, the voices stopped.

"Y/n!" Tsukasa shouted happily, and dove into her lap. He rested his head on her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her body. "You're so waaarm!" He sighed. Y/n looked down at him, blush brushing her cheeks. She noticed a satisfied look on Tsukasa's face when he noted that.

Then, she looked up to see Sakura crossing her arms and glaring at Tsukasa. Natsuhiko looked worried, glancing between Tsukasa and Sakura as if he were expecting a fight to break out any minute. Y/n looked down at the ghost boy in her lap and saw him looking at Sakura with an expression she couldn't quite place.

It was like a mixture of fear, anger, and smugness.

"Um, what's going on?" Y/n asked uncertainly. Sakura sighed with frustration and left the recording room, slamming the door with a bang. Natsuhiko looked as if he were about to follow her, but decided not to. 

"Tsukasa?" Y/n asked, a little alarmed. He didn't make eye contact with her.

"Hey, kid." Natsuhiko said quietly. "Can I talk to her for a minute?" In response, Tsukasa hugged Y/n tighter, glaring at the other boy. Then, he sighed and reluctantly let go.

"Fine." He said, sounding unhappy. "But don't do anything weird." He then left the room.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, worried. Natsuhiko sighed before sitting next to her, giving her plenty of space.

"Well... let's see, how to put it..." He thought for a few minutes before answering. "Tsukasa did something... extreme... in response to... something that made him mad. When Sakura-chan... found out, she was furious with him, saying it was... uncalled for, I guess. Now, they're both angry at each other and neither of them is willing to apologize." He paused for breath. "Let's just say you woke up at a really bad time."

Y/n nodded slowly. "I can see that." She bit her lip, looking down. "Um, this thing Tsukasa did... can you tell me what it is?" Natsuhiko shook his head.

"It's better if you didn't know." He explained. "It's... a long story."

"Did... did it have something to do with me?" She asked. He flinched, and she knew she had hit the right spot.

Y/n didn't know how, but she knew what it was instantly.

"What happened to my mom?" She asked slowly, almost afraid to speak. Natsuhiko hesitated before answering.

"All you need to know is that he... 'convinced' her to leave you alone. She won't abuse you anymore."

She won't abuse you anymore.

Those words were like music to her ears.

"Are you serious...?" She whispered. Natsuhiko nodded.

"Yep." He said. "Hopefully, you should be able to go home without fear now. Honestly, if you had told us in the first place, Sakura and I would have gone over there ourselves and helped. I hope you- hey, where are you going?!"

~Time skip~

Y/n found Tsukasa on the roof. He was standing by himself, looking over the railing. She couldn't see his face from where she was.

"Tsukasa!" She called. He didn't turn around, or show any sign of hearing her. Y/n huffed with irritation and walked over to him.

"Tsukasa?" She said again, now next to the boy. He still didn't answer, but she could now see his face. He was solemn and quiet, staring off into the distance.

Y/n then realized why; he was probably worried she didn't like him anymore.

She wondered how she could get his attention.

Then, she had a brilliant idea. She smiled a little, proud of her mind.

Y/n scooted up right next to Tsukasa, grabbed his face, and kissed his cheek gently. When she let go and opened her eyes, she was surprised to see that he was looking straight at her. His eyes were wide with shock. She pulled away, staring back at him.

"Thank you." She said firmly. "For helping me."


Then, his face turned bright red. He stared at her with embarrassment, his mouth slightly open as if he wanted to say something but couldn't think of what to say. 

He looked so flustered; it was adorable!

Suddenly, Y/n realized what she had done.

Her face soon matched Tsukasa's in redness, and she began to panic.

"I-I mean-!" She stammered. "That- it- well... it was- um- th-thank you...? Like, for- uh-!"

Tsukasa laughed uncomfortably.

"Oh, um, you're welcome, Y/n..." He said, smiling a little. Then, they both looked away from each other.


"Sorry..." Y/n said apologetically. "That was... I don't know..."

"No, no..." Tsukasa said. "I..." He faded into quiet mumbling.

"What?" Y/n asked.


Silence once again.

"Well, I've gotta go..." Y/n said suddenly. "I need to talk to someone." Tsukasa nodded.

"Yeah, you go do that." He agreed. She walked away as he turned back to face the view. Then, he spun around.

"Y/n?" He called out. She was gone. He sighed, smiling sadly and touching the cheek she kissed him on.

"I... I liked it..."


Next chapter coming soon

The Color of Blush ~ A Tsukasa x Reader Fanfiction ~ Toilet Bound Hanako-KunWhere stories live. Discover now