Preference #1

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How you sleep together

Tobias- He wraps his strong arms around you. You rest your head on his chest and fall asleep to the rhythm of heartbeat, and the steady rising and falling of his chest.

Uriah- You guys basically like to spoon. He'll whisper jokes in your ear as you try to fall asleep. If you try to leave at night he'll wrap his arms around you tighter and moan to keep you from escaping.

Will- you sleep facing each other. He'll give you occasional nose kisses. He always makes sure youre asleep before he is because that's just the type of guy he is.

Caleb- You lay side be side, your head buried into his shoulder. He'll talk to you about little unimportant things as you drift to sleep.

Eric(idk if you want me to do him. You can request someone else instead)- You lay back to back. He says it makes him feel safe because you have all sides covered and wants to protect you.

A/N- Hey guys, I hope you like it. If you want me to do a preference for someone else, tell me. That's all. Bai!!

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