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Hayno's breath was so uneasy, and at the little moment she thought was gonna throw up. But just for a moment, she shook away all those feelings. She shook away the fear and she shook it all away, making her way through Konoha.

The small breeze blew through her short length curly hair, the sun setting on her dark skin. She knew she was making the right decision at sixteen, even after making a fatal mistake a few weeks ago.

She felt love for him, and maybe in her naive heart, she was thinking Sasuke Uchiha felt the same. Her deep brown eyes flicked around the Hyuga compound a little uneasy, yeah she had confirmation from Lady Tsunade, but she needed a fresh set of eyes.

Gulping she then knocked on the door of the large house hearing many footsteps before she was seeing a soft-looking Hinata spinoff the door.

"Oh, Hayno? Is everything alright." The shy girl question. Hanyo gave Hinata a soft smile at her shy friend.

"I'm alright Hinata I was wondering if Neji was here? It's really important." She couldn't tell Hinata because she knew she would tell Naruto, and then Naruto would tell Sasuke.

A Sasuke who was changing so much with every growing minute. Hinata called out to Neji somewhere in the house and a few minutes later a slightly annoyed long hair boy was standing at the door looking far annoyed.

"Hanyo what is it?" He grumbled shifting his violet eyes towards the girl. Hanyo inhaled before she gestured for him to come on the porch with her which he did. He was looking at her with a confused gaze.

"I um... I need you to use your byakugan on me and umm see the baby growing inside me." She whispered. Neji was so taken back and he inhaled wondering if he heard right.

"Come again?" He stammered out, losing composure. Hanyo cleared her throat before repeating it again. Neji sighed slowly holding the bridge of his nose before muttering lowly "byakugan." The veins appeared around his eyes and he flashed his eyes to her flat stomach through her kimono.

It was really faint but he could see it. He flicked his eyes back up to his friends in shock. "Y-you're actually pregnant Hanyo? By who we are only sixteen who is the father." Neji demanded.

Hanyo was silent before she held her arms through her kimono.

"It's Sasuke's... And I want only you to know... You can't tell him, tonight I'm leaving the village and only you will know the location you can find me you can't tell anyone." Hanyo demanded.

The young stressed girl was risking a lot. Hiding the Uchiha heir from the already growing mad boy wasn't gonna help her case. But she wasn't gonna be used by the man she loved.

Neji was looking beyond conflicted before he just slowly nodded his head "alright you have my word.... I just don't know if it's a good idea." The two slowly sat on the steps of the house talking and having one last chance to hang out and laugh with one another.

Hanyo was gonna miss him, but staying in the village all her family died long ago when she was young, and her friends succeeded more in being a ninja. She had quite a lot of medical training. But she had to focus on being young, and not knowing a thing about motherhood.

"So you two actually did it." Neji gestured with his hands. Hanyo's eyes shifted when she remembered what happened a few weeks ago.

Skin on skin was felt as both teens in bed the moonlight shining through. Not so innocent touching, gasping, moans, whimpers and words wee shared. Hanyo's hands gripped Sasuke's hair tightly her fingers not leaving his scalp.

She never felt this warmth before she felt full, her inner core was in flames. Sasuke gripped her small hips against his, his mouth dropping open as the two shared a heated kiss their lips in sync with one another.

Hanyo gasped at the clutching feeling through her, breaking the kiss she moved her head to kiss Sasuke's heated neck, and the flesh of his open chest sucking at the skin.

Sasuke groaned and grunted before he lifted her head up bringing her in for one more deep kiss. "I love you." She whispered right when Sasuke said the same thing "I love you too."

She was pulled away, shaking the thoughts away fast, before she nodded at her friend.

"Make sure to take care of yourself... I'm gonna miss you." Neji grabbed her hand holding it softly. He didn't let the veins disappear from his eyes, looking straight at her stomach again.

A faint smile making its way across his lips, he didn't know how, and he didn't know why, but he could see the gender and it was gonna be a boy, a strong boy when he grew up. And that night Hanyo Ichi had left the village hidden in the leaf just like she planned. And that very next day Sasuke Uchiha left as well and Neji did keep his promise only he knew about the unborn Uchiha, and her location.

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