11. Merry Christmas!

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It was Christmas Eve. Bells rung in the church, and little kids sung the carols as they walked down the street in groups.

The roofs were capped in snow, and the doors enclosed laughing families decorating their Christmas tree and packing gifts.

Gina pulled out the turkey from the oven and placed it on the dinner table. Supper was almost ready after a long day of continuous preparations. She brought in two mugs of hot chocolate for the kids with marshmallows, as they handed the decorations to their father.

Christmas was always a happy time for the families to be together. The four of them laughed as Fur their golden retriever entangled himself with the strings of lights and couldn't get away.

"Let's put the star on the top of the tree", said Mark.

Little Joshua snatched the star from his little sister and handed it to his dad.

"Look Rocholle! That is mum looking over us from heaven!"
Gina walked home with her dinner packed from the house where she worked it.

She had spent the entire day cooking a yumcious supper for the family. The walk was long and cold, and she finally entered her home which was a loft above a bakery. The lights were off because she could not pay her bills, so she lit some candles and sat by the closed window, nibbling on the cold turkey.
Christmas isn't merry for everybody, but it somehow gives us hope that it will get better. Happier times is on its way.

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