Chapter 1

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"How about this one Aria?" Kat asked me as she pulled out a Fairy costume. I shook my head.

"That's more something for Lea not me." I said while looking throw the other costumes.

"Um-mm no. This is more like me." Lea said coming out of the dressing room with a school girl costume on.

"Lees, You look like a slut." Renee said to Lea. Lea grinned.

"Thank you so do you." Lea said to Renee. She was wearing a black ruffle skirt, A bloody white sleeve less shirt, and tall black high heal boots.

"I know." Lea said with a smile.

"Remind me why we are dressing like sluts this year." I said still looking for a costume.

"Because..." Kat started.

"We haven't yet..." Lea continued.

"And a lot of hot guys are going to be at Mia's Party." Renee finished. I rolled my eyes playfully and keep looking. 

Mia is the schools head of the popularity. I must say she is annoying but she sure dose know how to trough a party. Every year for Halloween, New Years, and the last day of school, her parents go on a trip somewhere for 3 days and lets Mia have a party. This year is suppose to be epic. Since she is a Junior she know much more people. So there is going to be more people there.

 "found mine!" Kat called over. I looked over at her to see she had on a panda costume. I was perfect for her emo haircut. No she is not emo, she just loves that hair. Some days she will come to school with blue hair or pink. She always Dy's it. But she said she wants her natural hair color for a little while.

"Nice." said Lea.

"Well you all have one but i can't find a good one." I said with a frown. Renee walked over and picked up one really fast and shoved it in my face.

"There now you got one. Now go change. We are late." She said shoving me in the dressing room. I got in and locked the door be for changing into it. She had grabbed a black playboy bunny costume. I sighed and but my close in my bag before walking out.

"Good. Now lets go pay." Lea said, leading the way to the cash register. We were walking straight there after w left the store, so we just keep on our outfit. We got to the cash register and the guy rang up our close.

"Are you girls going to a party or something?" He asked.

"Yeah." said Kat. as she gave hi  the money. every year we take turns paying. Last year was my turn and the year before that was Renee. Next year Lea has to pay. 

"Well have fun laddies." He said and winked at Lea as we walked out of the shop. The night air was cold. Expesally since we have hardly any close on. It was very dark out and 9:00 at night. It was a 30 minute walk from The costume store to Mia's house. But we didn't have a car to take us there.

We were all laughing and jocking around when a car pulled up beside us. We all looked over at the convertible. It was the school players, Josh, Mikey, and James. James whistled at me.

"Hey sugar tits, Looks like we match." He said. I looked down at my costume and then at his. He was wearing jeans, no shirt, and a red playboy robe. GREAT.

"Suck my DI**! James" I yelled at him as we keep walking.

"When and where baby>" He smirked at me.

"F**k off James." Lea said and flipped him off. 

"You would!" he yelled.

"In your dreams." Lea said.

"Oh you know it." James said as they drove off.

"Gosh i hate those guys." Renee said. We keep walking> It was really quite and I keep hearing noises. But every time I turned around no one was there. 

"Come on girl. I know a short cut." Kat said, leading us into the woods. I didn't complain about it. It was a short cut so i didn't care. Although the woods dose creep me out a lot. 

We keep walking in silence. I heard a twig break and turned around.


I keep walking again. 


I turned around quickly.


I turn around. and keep walking again. I saw something out the corner of my eye. I turned to it.



I turned the way of the sound.


My heart was beating fast. It was completely dark out and i couldn't see anything. 


I turned around once more. And once again...


I looked around and didn't see my friends.

"Kat" I yelled. I waited for a reply.


"KAAATT!!!" I yelled louder. Still...




"GIRLS THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!!" I yelled.



I turned around as fast as i could...


Suddenly I felt Breath on the back of my neck and one arm around my waist and a hand over my mouth.

"Guess who." A really deep voice said in my ear. I screamed.

"hahaha. Calm down Aria. Its just me." Said the vice. Instantly I knew who it was. James. I turned around and hit his arm over and over again.

"You stupid Fu**ing Tw*t!" I yelled. James started laughing. My eyes watered. He really sacred me.

James face instantly softened When he saw my eyes water.

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry. It was just a joke." He said, Waling closer to me.

"You are so mean. I thought I was going to get raped!" I yelled. He walked closer and whipped away my tears.

"Sssshhhhh. Its okay. I'm sorry." He said hugging me tightly. I was shocked. James< The player of my school, Who is always mean, who break girls heart, is being nice?? I found my self hugging him back.

"ARIA!" I heard Kat's voice. I pulled away from James hug and whipped my tears.

"See you at the party." he whispered in my ear. I nodded and watched him walk off. 

"Aria! There you are. Where were you??" Lea said coming up to me and hagging me.

"I-I thought i saw someone.."I said"but it was no one." 

"Well come on. We need to get there before the lock down begins." Renee said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the woods, with the girls following.

Every Halloween party that Mia has, there is a lock down. Apparently her house is haunted. I never saw anything before. Her house is a manchine. 22 bedrooms. 25 baths. Arcade room. candy room....Yes candy room. Dance studio. And lots more. So she has a lock down. where no one can leave the house from 11:40pm-7:00am. Its really fun though.

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