Chapter 1

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Ivy surprised Bruce just as he began  making the arrangements Selina Kyle would never know of his plans to depart Gotham and leave nothing but a note behind. 

They found Bruce Wayne's body  a few days after reunreunification. Discolored veins on his face adding to the look of agony and the dried blood on his mouth. There different scratches from Ivy's nails across his throat, his blood showing three different slow acting merciless posions. The evidence proved she made sure to watch him suffer just to find out which poison would kill him first. His blood  covering her fingers as she wrote a message above his head.

 His blood  covering her fingers as she wrote a message above his head

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Bruce would never be able to describe what it was like in that moment. Being lost in the darkness and pain until he felt relief at the last moment.. A blur  of freedom mixed in with an impossible sight.

Countless Gothamites at his funeral, not just the people he viewed as family, the GCPD which he always tried to assit. His 'friends' from' the billionaire brat phase appeared and Tommy Eillot tried to say a few words.. He was silenced almost immediately by someone who actually knew him. Employees of Wayne Enterprises, even people who just saw how he publicly gave himself up as a hostage for Jermeiah. 

Alfred and  Selina were the only ones that kept each other from breaking down from their grief.  The old man going through the lost of the boy who was rhe closest thing he would ever have to a son. Selina losing not just of the few people who loved her, losing the person she connected to in ways she hated and could never explain.  Part of her wanted to burn Ivy's garden to the ground, salting the earth. But every time she even considered it, every moment she wanted to kill her former friend she saw Bruce. She could hear his voice telling her that justice would come, that all he wanted was for her to take care of Alfred.

Jim was ready to bring Ivy to justice. Relying on Lucius to gain equipment to protect the GCPD from Ivy's abilities.  But the process of crafting enough for a team would take weeks. Obsessed with the justice Bruce Wayne would want.

Ivy attempted to celebrated her act. But even Barbara Keane looked at her in disgust when she tried to stroll into the Sirens Club.  But it was like the world around her changed. Her allure didn't make people obedient or attracted in fact it repelled them. Avoiding her completely, ignoring here. Scratches, poisons she tried to leave on others had no effect. It was driving her mad. When someone let out a breath it was like the air was poison to her, she was coughing the more people were around.

When she tried looking at her reflection to try and find a physical sign of what was wrong all she saw was Bruce. She couldn't understand it, there wasn't a part of her that felt regret about what did.

When she returned to her garden that's when everything became a living hell to Ivy Pepper. Every step made her plants die. One moment leaning against a tree made had the bark come off piece of by piece, before the branches snapped off. She tried to hold her a flower, and it died in her hands within seconds. She could feel their agony, knowing she was the cause.

"How? Did they dig you up? Are your just getting back at me! Killing my friends with tools and tricks-"

" You can bury your head in the side. Hide out here all you want. Your still guilty.." He repeated her own  words without malice or hatred only a slight distortion to his voice an echo. Appearing witha sickly green mist similar to the poison spread by Jeremiah.

"Bruce Wayne died.. The body's still in the coffin. But the soul, my soul was used for something else.You killed me but I became stronger than you could imagine... A Spectre making sure no one escapes punishment. Nothing going unanswered, no escaping karma.  " He explained starting it off by mocking her own words to him. "I can warp Gotham around me, to punish without killing someone. I could give them what they deserve.... I'm the antidote Poison Ivy.. And as long as you stay out here the plants will die... But I can take you to a place where you won't affect them. You love plants, if you want to protect them you have to come with me.." He took the flower from her and it grew again in his hands.

Where she remained,  exactly  where he rescued her from when she killed the people in the park.  Not knowing if she could spend a single second outside without truly bringing death to plantlife. If she could escape the twisted reversal of her abilities Bruce gave her. 

But others knew that this Spectre was out there. Something for criminals to truly fear within every part of themselves. 

\\\might make this multichapter. The Spectre is able to shift, warp reality. Basically anything for 'justice' such as making Ed lose all the answers and knowledge.- let me know what you think! And know this anything merciless is just the Spectre

Look at him showered In blood and flowersWhere stories live. Discover now