Very Keane

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" I changed, I built all of this honestly-" When Barbara Keane walked into the room she found Bruce holding Barbara Lee carefully rocking the child to sleep as he spoke a smile oddly enough flickering to his face when he looked away. 

" It doesn't change what you did before! You escaped the karma, the justice for so many of your old  operations. The illegal weapons you stole, the people you killed or had killed their bodies on display of hidden away! You may be a good mother, and you helped a lot with your business but it doesn't balance things. It doesn't change it... Your going to be better than what Oswald and Edward chose to be. So that means I won't lash out at you like I did them." He carefully passed her child to her.

" I can't take you from her. I've seen her fate, her future. She's perfect, beyond a mix of you and Jim. What she picked up, what she learned makes her one of the smartest, dedicated and greatest fighters in the future. She's family, a hero... You'll live to see it, and I hope one day you tell her exactly who you used to be." He tapped her on her forehead and she flinched. 

"Out of the corner of your eye you'll see them.. All of them, maybe you'll recognize them maybe you won't. Some deserved it, some were complete accidents, caught in the crossfire  retribution... On your sites, on your buildings you'll see blood that can't wash away. Count of that." He stated moving away.

"What are you?" She asked as his eyes flickered and he turned away facing her with a serious expression on his face.

"I am vengeance! I am the night.. " He answered before finally making his departure. Barbara knew he wasn't bluffing, in fact she saw the proof for her self in the following years. Especially when her daughter started to draw pictures of what she called her protector, her friend, a friendly ghost in green. 

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