Chapter four

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"Selina....-DON'T EVEN THINK OF TRYING AND TAKING HIS PLACE OF FOOLING ME! YOU FAKE FUCKED UP THING! NOT NOW! YOUR HERE TO FUCKIN WITH MY HEAD MORE! YOUR THE WORST I'VE EVER HAD.. HE WAS THE BEST I'VE EVER HAD." She was expecting another evening of her and Alfred just staring at their plates, picking at it reminded of Bruce by every little thing. Silence that was only interrupted by tears,  by visitors who tried and failed to bring out a smile of them. Selina lost count of how many times Barbara Keane tried to bring her over the Siren's Club. Jim, and Harvey even saying no one would bother pursuing anything she tried to steal. Selina couldn't even look up at a roof top without remembering the compliment Bruce gave her two years ago and the smile on her face. For her the world might've been stone without him. 

All she could feel was down and depressed. Lee wanted her to talk to someone but Selina Kyle never even made it to the door. 

Now Selina only kept one blade on herself, barely bothering to defend herself or leave her the 'home' she resided in.  She didn't care why the copy decided to come back, she hated the thought of something else that looked like the one person that couldn't replaced. The one true person she connected to on a romantic level.  The anger she kept inside, the one she saved for Ivy till she vanished she let it out with tears in her emerald eyes.  But the moment she tried to bring the blade down on the skin it broke.  Shattering like he poorest quality of glass that was common in the narrows. " I k new you couldn't feel anything but if you think just because your strong-

" It's not him. It's not a copy. It's not me rising from the grave and digging myself out. Cat, Selina it's me. I don't know if this convinces you..But..." He snatched the knife handle from her tossing it before pulling her in for a kiss. Just like Lee and Jim's wedding, a surprise. It took moments for her to pull away and when she did there a smile she couldn't lose.

" You came back..."

" Not just for Gotham, not just for my family. For the one I knew I couldn't go without... I cold have stayed with my parents. But any wait for you is no paradise... It's not being at peace to me, being with the one who taught me the most."  It was confusing, it was comforting, but it was true, it was real enough for tears of happiness. 

They knew where to go next, they knew exactly where Alfred would be. Alfred had a cycle of going to the Wayne's graves, firs telling Martha and Thomas he failed them before reaching Bruce. Before whispering the word son several times before new sobs would go through his body. The cane, the limp was noting compared to the weight inside of him. Part of him wishing Bane broke his neck instead of his back. To die first, be there ahead of time before Bruce was taken away.  But that was taken out of him when he felt the tapping on his shoulder, and the voice.

" It was never your fault.. even if you were there when she struck.. You couldn't have saved him.." Alfred didn't have words he would never have words, he just enjoyed the hug that followed.

 Bruce did his best to explain to them, even with all they witnessed and heard in their lives in Gotham all of this would the hardest to understand

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 Bruce did his best to explain to them, even with all they witnessed and heard in their lives in Gotham all of this would the hardest to understand. " When I died.. I saw my parents.. I met the good people that died in Gotham and who died in other cities. I  could have stayed there for eternity but I met a man named Oliver who died yet hung on to a responsibility. One that made what I tried to become seem like nothing. There was so much I didn't know, that Gotham isn't alone, that our world wasn't alone. There is a multitude, more existence in countless places.  Realities where I grew up, where I was never born... Oliver gave his life so that all of that could be created, so that all of it could be brought back. And before that he had a mission, he had a team and a family... He deserved a rest for eternity, and I wanted to be back with both of you.. So he gave it to me.  My body may be buried but this is my soul, as part of this Spectre. I'm half of an embodiment of justice, of wraith itself. I spend the days punishing people beyond Gotham... But the nights I stay in this city going after those who failed it, who escaped despite the harm they did to people..  A balance, I will not kill but I will be the overkill, the karma that comes for them all. I'm not proud of the punishment just the justice.. It's like a monster inside of me, but I'm not giving it up. I'm controlling it, no matter how it reacts to everyone..just to be with all of you." 

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