Chapter 3

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Over Cadia, Goroth's mighty war vessel suddenly ripped a great gapping trench in space - opening a portal to the hellish realm of Chaos, The Warp. As the war vessel slowly sliding through the rippling, purple portal, screams of a million souls ejected from the portal but were silenced by the vast void of space.
Aboard the giant war vessel, in a dark and unholy medical center, Goroth laid across a stone alter to Tzeentch. Goroth laid peacefully on the alter, his black armour reflecting blurred images of blue flames that encircled the alter in a six meter radius. Stood in the shadows, stood Goroth's loyal sorcerer and battle brother - Henker. "We are ready for your second coming my lord," Henker muttered as he glared over at Goroth's giant body. The room was silent, besides for the hideous flickering of the sky blue flames, and was avoid of life. Only Goroth and Henker stood in the mighty and dingy room.
"Tzeentch has promised us that you are to return," cried Henker as he continued to glare at the alter, "even Nurgle has blessed your return." Goroth suddenly burst to life, his arm ejecting into the air, as he abruptly sat up, the crack on his helm more prominent as his left eye glowed a mossy green.
"What are you doing hiding in the shadows Henker," roared Goroth, his voice echoing demonically as he turned to face the sorcerer, "Get here before I kick you so hard, Khorne will feel it," Goroth slammed his huge body against the floor as he rose to his feet. His terminator armour compressing slightly before standing back up. Goroth glared over at Henker, his eye now shining three blinding colours - blood red, sky blue and swamp green. Henker slowly sauntered over to Goroth, his staff floating beside him and his bolter pistol dancing around his hip. As Henker appeared from the shadows, the light revealed Henker being donned in grand black armour that were draped in amethyst robes and a large helmet with the symbol of Tzeentch engraved over the visor. "My Lord, how do you feel," inquired Henker as he fell to his knees in front of Goroth.
"I feel like I am being stabbed in the stomach, what the hell have done to me," Goroth growled as he looked at himself and then down at Henker. Henker looked up at Goroth, his head jolting rapidly upwards, "I have not been here sir, my arrival has only been today. The cultists who tended to you said that they would keep your holy body in working order...," instantly Goroth grabbed Henker by the throat, lifting him into the air, "You weren't supervising cultists around my body," Goroth's eye suddenly burst into flame, as blood red light radiated from it, "where were you then, Brother!" Goroth's tightened his grip, causing the sorcerer to gasp loudly.
"I was commanding your mighty vessel, my great...," Henker choked heavily on his final word, "Lord," his words barely vocalised as Goroth continued to grapple the sorcerer's throat.
Goroth dragged the sorcerer to the exit of the giant room before throwing him out of the door and into a monstrous hallway. "You have allowed cultists to operate on my body," Goroth bellowed at Henker enraged as he stormed out of the giant room. Goroth suddenly spun round to face a microscopic cultist as he shouted, "find me the fools who healed me, or I will drag your weak and insignificant body to an airlock." The cultist nodded his head rapidly before dashing away faster than the eye could see. "You are lucky that you are my battle brother, I am tempted to through you into space and leave you behind," growled Goroth as he stormed away from the doorway. Goroth looked at a large sign that said "Temple Chamber." Goroth growled as he read the sign, clenching his giant hands into metallic boulders. Henker slowly rose to his feet, pressing heavily against the screaming steel plated wall behind him.
Goroth began a brutal stride down the corridor before darting down an adjacent corridor on his right. His thunderous march echoed through the ship, his growls followed rapidly.
Goroth eventually found his way to the observation deck, looming over the actual bridge of the war vessel. On the observation deck stood two figures, one was a Lord of Contagion - donned in large, murky green terminator armour with boils poking through large cracks in the armour - and the second was an Aspiring Champion of Chaos - who was donned in glossy black armour with a golden stripe diagonally across the left shoulder plate, with a helmet of Tzeentch placed graciously on the shoulders and it's four horns reached out half a meter above and in front of the helmet. Both the figures fell to their knees as they pivoted towards Goroth. "Rise brothers," he beckoned as he marched by them. At the edge of the observation deck, perched a throne of steel plating, bone and demon hide. The two figures rose to full height as Goroth fell back into his horrific throne. "My lord, the first company is ready," exclaimed the Aspiring Champion as he stepped closer to Goroth.
"So are the Death Guard companies, great Blessed One," gurgled the Lord of Contagion. Both stood five meters from Goroth, level with eachother but two meters apart.
"Vrykan, Gharrel, quit trying to impress me. I need reports, not who's ready," growled Goroth, "I expect everyone ready no matter the time between battles," Goroth suddenly stood up and slammed his giant, metallic hands against a thick, steel railing as he bellowed, "Take us ten days travel through the Warp! Any who disagree will be fed to Slannesh." Orders were roared back and forth between commanders and cultists as the ship suddenly roared to life.
"My lord, where are we going," asked the Lord of Contagion as he leaned forward like a rocking chair.
"Gharrel, we are going to Imperial space," replied Goroth as he collapsed back into his throne.
Suddenly a scrawny creature, littered with spikes and tattoos, crawled up to Goroth's monstrous throne. "Fetch me something to drink, wretch," growled Goroth as he glared down at the creature.
"Of course my lord, anything for Chaos," the creature scurried away rapidly before being picked up by the Aspiring Champion. "Vrykan, put it down. I can't have him broken yet," laughed Goroth as he watched over the helm of his vessel, seeing the crimson red dagger tip of the bow of the war vessel. "As you wish, my lord," replied the Aspiring Champion as he dropped the creature and the doors burst open, Henker stood in the door way watching the creature dash under him.
"Those beasts are extremely annoying," he remarked as he strode onto the observation deck. "Finally the four of First Company are here, let us begin our tactical analysis of this world," Goroth stood up from his throne and pivoted to his followers with a small projector in his right hand. The projector showed a large planet, deep in Imperial space and very close to the Black Crusade. Henker, Vrykan and Gharrel walked towards Goroth, the doors hissing shut.

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