The Alpha

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Angus rapidly plowed his giant and armoured fists into the organic wall, ripping the whole wide enough for him to fit through. His armour was no longer as cloud grey as it was originally, it was now stained a amethyst purple with tyranid blood. "Time to kill a tyrant," thought Angus as he began to pierce through the thick wall of the structure. The wall ripped open but behind him, Angus heard his Sargent shouting. "Stop, don't go in alone. You will die," the Sargent's voice urgent.
Angus ignored the Sargent, pushing into the room.
The next room was hollow, spiked tentral climbed the walls and a giant pool of emerald green acid bubbled in the centre of the room. A rumbling growl trembled around the room, the groan of the pool sauntered around the room like a lost ghost. Clicking echoed rapidly through the room as tyranids ran past the room, over the room and under it. Angus scanned the room, his eyes darting from everything like scared cats.
Angus was alone. However, something watched him. Something stalked him. Auspex indicated no other life forms within the room. "Can you feel the gaze," echoed a demonic voice, "can you hear my voice," it continued, getting louder slowly, "can you smell your grave, taste your blood bubbling in your mouth," the voice paused as the hive tyrant suddenly grew to full height behind Angus, "can you see me!" Angus spun round before the tyrant smacked him across the room. Angus flew through the air, his body slammed against the fleshy tissued wall - mere inches from a giant spike - and dropped to his knees on the ground below. "For the Emperor," chanted Angus as he began to stand back to his feet and pulling his boltergun from his back.
Angus lifted his boltergun, the hive tyrant ejected it's wings, they glared into eachother's eyes. The boltergun clicked as the trigger jolted back, the hive tyrant's wings cracked as they pivoted to aim behind. Bolter rounds spun from the boltergun, flying through the air like golden daggers. The hive tyrant jumped forward, towards Angus, it's wings by it's sides and bullets bouncing off of it's scaly hide. Angus dived to the left seconds before the tyrant smashed into the wall behind. Angus engaged his boltergun's machine spirit, bullets ejecting from the barrel like a volcanic eruption. The bullets ripped into the side of the Hive Tyrant, flesh dashed into the air while blood ran from the wounds. The hive tyrant slowly stood back up, it's wings folding behind it and it's swords scraping against the ground as it growled with anger and pain. Anger burned in its eyes, pain riddled it's right side, hatred grew within it. The tyrant lifted it's swords, high above its head and horn, before abruptly swinging them down upon Angus. Angus attempted to dive out of the way but was crushed under one of the swords. His helmet screaming, "proximity breach in lower right thigh!" Angus looked down to see the sword deep in his armour, metal bent round the blade of the sword. No space marine could hold back the roar of agony Angus let out, a roar like a starved lion, but Angus still tried to fight on. His boltergun surprisingly still in his grasp, he lifted it and prayed to the God Emperor as he plowed bullets into the giant monstrous tyranid. The recoil shock Angus' body, his leg vibrating and exerting excruciating agony. As the tyranid stepped back from Angus - releasing his leg from the blade - and recoiling from the shower of bullets, the blade ripped an entire plate of armour from Angus' thigh. Angus screamed in agony again, the pain washing over his entire body. Angus' helmet screaming louder, "right thigh plating missing!" Angus attempted to stand, leaning against the wall but his right leg buckled. Angus collapsed to the ground as a large explosion obliterated a wall ten meters from Angus.
"Find Angus," shouted a voice from behind a wall of smoke. The Hive Tyrant jolted it's head towards the smoke, roaring intimidatingly as a grey space marine rolled into the room and spontaneously scanning it. The space marine saw Angus layed across the floor, leaking viscose oil from his thigh. "Sargent, I've found him," shouted the space marine as he through a frag grenade at the Hive Tyrant. The explosion shock the tyranid meanwhile three more space marines walked out and a unit of terminators - all in the grand colours of the space wolves chapter. "Get to him, we must keep him alive," shouted one of the terminators as its devastating gatlingun rotated and spitting out bullets. A space marine dived over to Angus and placed a hand on Angus' chest, "Brother, it's me Louie. We got support and have stormed the structure," explained the space marine, "I am going to weld your oil supply to your leg, you are leaking," continued the space marine as he pulled out a tech priest welding tool. "Brother Louie, I am going to kill that thing," stated Angus angrily as the space marine welded the oil tubes shut, only just missing the oil with the sparks and melted metal. Louie looked down at Angus as replied, "then let's get up." Brother Louie helped Angus up, they both lifted their bolterguns in unison and sprayed bullets at the Hive Tyrant. "FOR THE EMPEROR," roared Angus and Louie as their bullets shattered the thick hide of the tyranid.
The Hive Tyrant fell to the ground, creating a heavy and thunderous bang as it hit the floor.
"We should leave," stated the Sargent as Angus collapsed again.
Angus woke up again but in a tech priests workshop. "You're awake," crackled a tech priest at Angus' thigh, it's voice almost voxed. Angus smelt luxury oils and incense, hear the holy prayers of the Emperor. Abruptly, the heavy stride of a Primaris Captain marched into the room. "You are being transferred Angus, details are in your chambers," exclaimed the Primaris Captain as he stood at Angus' feet.
Three hours later, Angus had marched into his chambers and found a data pad on his bedside table. Angus picked up the data pad and it read, "Transfer process initiated. Lieutenant Angus, stationed on planet Exar: alongside the two hundred and twenty sixth guardsmen regiment. Transfer start effective immediately."

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