Chapter 8

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"Goroth, I have given your helm crew a set of coordinates. I wish to see you there before the Imperium have a chance to stop Abbadon," roared the vox box on the deck hanging above the bridge of the battleship as the Great Lord's daemonic crawled through the air. Goroth glared at his crew below and could feel his fury burn inside him. As Goroth sat angrily on his throne, Vrykan slowly approached with his shimmering black armour.
"My lord, my soldiers are ready to execute your will," started Vrykan as he approached Goroth, "what services do you require my legion master," he enquired as he fell to his knee. Goroth's voice began to echo and rumble as his left eye erupted into a dark blood red flame, "I require for my warriors to get off their knees and prepare for combat," Goroth picked up Vrykan, like a grape, and held Vrykan above himself, "Look at the pets I have crawling the helm of my ship," Goroth dangled Vrykan over the edge of the railings, his eye still burning like a dying sun, "and tell me one scrap of information that makes your life worth more than theirs," Goroth's anger radiated from each vowel.
"My lord, I am more than them. I command your first company and bring your fury upon the weak," explained Vrykan as he dangled twenty meters above the deck below. Vrykan knew he would survive the fall but he knew what the fall meant, it was how he became captain.
"Your old captain said the same thing," Goroth grinned menacingly as he extended his arm further over the edge.
"My last captain was weak my Lord, he had no place at your side," Vrykan shouted loudly as he tried to look back at Goroth, "I am your executioner," he said finally as he looked out to the fleet outside. The crew below glanced up to the balcony and watched the chaos unfold. Goroth then slammed Vrykan against the railing and roared, "you will accompany me on the battlefield; if we fail, I will take your head and place it on the bow of this ship." Goroth threw Vrykan behind the throne and towards the doorway. Goroth continued to glare at the crew below, his eye slowly turning back to normal under his thick helmet and the flame slipping back through the crack. "Navigator, take us to the coordinates the Great Lord has given you," Goroth roared before slamming his hand against a control panel, "astrometrics, prepare a Warp path towards the coordinates plotted in by the Navigator," Goroth slouched back into his throne and glared out into space angrily.
Five minutes later, Goroth's mighty war vessel roared to life and began to crawl forward whilst turning 20 degrees to the right. As the vessel turned away from the giant fleet, a horrid and amethyst Warp portal screams open and swallows Goroth's war vessel.
Within the Warp, spirals of energy encircled the huge vessel and sharps of lightning smashed against the ships deflector shields meanwhile crude and pale abominations sauntered across the exterior hull of the ship with thick, jagged and steel grey chains dragging behind them by their scrawny legs and arms. The chains slithered over the hull of the ship like starved rattle snakes, scraping against the chard crimson hull as each link slithered over. The roars of Bloodthirsters echoed for through the Warp like a wave of anger, the cries of Lord of Changes glided through the Warp like a dragon of horror and the groans and gurgles of Great Unclean Ones rumbled through the warp like the hum of mosquitoes. There was no safety for a sane mind in the Warp.
Goroth stood with Vrykan, Henker and Gharrel around a giant strategic planning table, above the helm of the Corrupt Wolf. "I have analyzed the target sir, I think we should execute a full scale attack," stated Vrykan as he leaned against the table, hidden by the gloom from the holographic projection of a lush world.
"You cannot state such ideals without all three major companies. You only have two here," gurgled Gharrel as he glared at Vrykan.
"Why don't you summon the First Son of Goroth, Gharrel," growled Vrykan as he erected his spine again, his shoulders in their prime position and left hand by his monstrous boltergun.
"Enough of your feral bickering," bellowed Goroth, his left eye glowing slightly ink black, "I shall summon my child," Goroth pressed on a large button on the table and gently growled, "Seth, come to the helm balcony. Immediately," Goroth was instantly replied with a confirmation of his kind request, "it was not so hard for you to say something, was it Vrykan," Goroth glared at Vrykan with a hard stare.
"Permission to speak freely my lord," asked Vrykan stiffly.
"You aren't a Loyalist, speak," Goroth growled.
"I assumed we would all be here," Vrykan slammed his body together, standing like a steal pillar meanwhile the doors of the balcony hissed open.
"Vrykan, at ease. I am only the first Son of Goroth, no need to fear me yet," laughed a half mechanical voice. Suddenly a clatter of legs rapidly hit the floor as a ghostly pale body, half filled with cogs and wires, crawled over the table. "I have arrived," stated the body, "what is my presence needed for," he requested as he glanced at Goroth but Goroth redirected the body's gaze to Vrykan.
"I think we should execute a full scale attack upon the lord's target," Vrykan stated, staring at the malnutrited body, "What do you think Seth," Vrykan felt uneasy saying the name but new it was right.
"Execute it, I want a full scale plan on my desk before fifteen hundred hours today," ordered Seth as he began to leave.
"Sixteen hundred would be more optimal sir," informed Vrykan, Gharrel gurgled a snigger as Vrykan was ignored by Seth.

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