Chapter 1

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    "Reporting, sir," roared Angus as he stood to attention. Angus knew he was standing wrong but he couldn't help it, "damn guardsman instincts," he thought as from behind an aluminium alloy table stepped a Space Wolf terminator, it's pale armour shimmered in the dim light of the sun while it's bolter dangled on it's belt.
"Relax boy," the terminator muttered as it's helmet glided off, "your mother would not approve," the terminator turned round and Johnson, Angus' ex-sargent, appeared from under the thick hide of ceramite.
"Do you want my report dad," said Angus as he walked over to the terminator, his armours as wide as docking clamps. Johnson grabbed Angus in a giant hug, their armours slamming against one another. "Not yet son," replied Johnson as he placed Angus at arm's length, "I want to go to the temple with my son," Johnson grinned, his eyes slightly watering. Angus smiled back as he stepped out of his father's grasp, "I would like to hear words from the Emperor, let us leave father," exclaimed Angus as he grasped five magazines of bolter rounds from a shelf to his left.
    Angus and Johnson strode out of the building, before swiftly turning towards a spire like structure with golden banners falling from the top of the spire and swaying lightly in the harsh breeze.
The two warriors stepped into the spire, greeted by blinding golden tapestry and art work depicting the Horus Heresy. "The God Emperor is full of destructive wisdom that has saved us from thousands of battles. Remember the final fight at Cadia, the fortress falling down to the planet," said Johnson as he admired the walls. Angus gave no reply as he dropped to his knees a meter in front of an alter.
     "My duty is new but my life is old," stated Angus as he lowered his head, "Emperor, show me the wisdom to find my path," he requested, not lifting his head. Not even to the sound of his father's heavy armour drop down next to him. "You have the same duty Angus, just a new place to execute it," explained Johnson as he knelt next to Angus.
    In Angus' mind, a soft and booming voice echoed in his mind, "Trust in yourself, trust the primarch that lives in you." The voice went silent as Angus lifted his head and stood up. Johnson stayed knelt down while Angus left without whispering a words. Angus slammed his helmet upon his head, it clicked on to the neck guard and flashed green as the AI systems engaged. Angus looked through the auspex of his helmet AI system, identifying allies from inside the camp and tyranids seventy miles away. Angus strode down to the barracks and into a small room, around ten meter squared in area.
     Angus stood in his room, scanning it rapidly before falling down on to a steel bed. Falling asleep, he auspex suddenly scanned the room constantly for two hours before blaring, "Tyranid horde approaching!" Angus flew off his bed, cocking his gun. Angus could hear heavy tank treds scraping against the forest floor and devastating thuds of Dreadnoughts ripping up the ground with their clamp like feet. Bolter fire echoed in the distance and orders rippled through the air while the holy battle cries of Librarians ripped the sky of it's energy.
     Angus strode out from the barracks to find smoke swimming to the ozone layer slowly while trees wriggled and danced around the Tyranids below. The Tyranids charged towards the front lines, Librarians ejected lightning from their hands, tanks launched shells into giant monstrosities, dreadnoughts sprayed bullets and fire at the hordes of Tyranids. Angus could feel his machine spirit leaking from his chest plate to his trigger finger as he looked over at the chaos in shock. "Cadia wasn't like this," he thought while he began a brutal charge towards a steel barracade.
    Slamming his body against the steel barracade - shoulder first - and sliding his boltergun over the top. Bolter fire flew by, shards of mud and grass jumped into the air, tyranids dashed forward and got shot back.
   The bullets punished the scaly hide of the tyranids as they dived at the marines, plasma balls flew through the air as they groped the shining armour of the space marines. Suddenly, from within the forest, a giant puff of nebular green gas ejected into the air as a giant pale monster emerged from the towering trees. The monster was covered in a thick purple shell, with two serrated and extensive swords held in two long pale arms that poked from the sides as two smaller arms grasped an organic plasma cannon. The beasts head was crowned with a prodigious hammer shaped horn while serrated fangs dripped with red blood and fire yellow acid. The monster roared in anger, flailing its swords in the air and ripping the air with its wrath.
     Every marine, especially Angus and Johnson, shock with fear as their fingers grappled the triggers of their giant godly weapons. A space marine captain roared, in a thick northern accent, “It’s a hive tyrant!” His words echoed down the barricade while a wave of ice cold air washed over the soldiers.
    Then the true horror began.
    The tyranids suddenly pressed against the barricade like an unforgiving nuclear shock wave, shattering space marine armour and slashing at thick human flesh before being shot to oblivion. The push got stronger, harder, heavier, more brutal and tiring. Bolter fire slashed the tyranid horde, flamers unleashed hellish whips of fire against the thick purple hide of the tyranids. Liberians sung prayers to the God Emperor as they shot lightning from their hands but every effort was in vain. Angus plunged bolter rounds into hundreds upon hundreds of tyranids as they slowly swarmed over him, Johnson obliterated tyranids constantly but even his giant weaponry was no match for the magnitude of tyranids. Shards of lightning pierced the veil of tyranids as they detonated the muddy ground and giant mounds of tyranids. The Hive Tyrant stood in the centre of the horde, glaring and manically laughing as the Liberians summoned holy powers from the warp and plunging them into the sea of tiny minions of horror. Angus slowly fought the tyranid mound off himself, his armour covered in scratches and dents. Bodies laid waste on the ground as the sky suddenly roared to life as drop pods smashed through the thick clouds.
     “Grey Knights,” a space marine shouted as he rammed his bolter into the mouth of a tyranid, pulling the trigger and spraying its head into the air. The drop pods shimmered as they plunged towards the planet surface below, smoke following each pod as shock waves shattered the tyranid horde front lines. Thunderous marches stormed closer and closer, the Hive Tyrant suddenly burst out two ginormous fleshy and bug like wings before diving into the air rapidly! Savage gusts of air spun round the beasts legs as it rose into the air. The thunderous march came closer, louder and slowly a large incense steaming shell came bounding from behind the space marines. However, even the holy strength of the tank shell didn’t stop the devastating horde of tyranids.
       Angus turned round to be shocked into relief as a large cloud of smoke blanketed over the arrival of a Grey Knight Predator and two hundred Grey Knight space marines. The frost blue glow of the spear tips pierced the blackened veil of smoke like a dim proto-star in blanket of nebula gases. “The Emperor’s finest and holy cleansing has arrived! All heretical disease will be extinguished,” roared a grey knight proudly as he stood dynamically on top of the tank. The space marines at the barricade turned and through their arms into the air shouting, “For the Emperor!”
     After an hour, the tyranid horde had stopped and the Grey Knights had fully installed themselves into the encampment. A Grey Knight captain stoop at the main command centre of the base, surrounded by two dreadnoughts and the Space Wolf Primaris Captain – Captain Vilmar of the twenty second company of the Space Wolves Astartes Chapter. Angus watched as his fellow battle brothers slowly peeled from the barricade and back towards small barracks or command posts. After two hours, Angus was left with five marines guarding the main barricade alongside ten dreadnoughts and ten terminators. No guardsmen lived on this planet; no imperial settlements existed on this planet beside the space marine training stations and the intersystem communication array.
     The planet was controlled by the Space Wolves after the Horus Heresy and ever since was used to build the spirits of new recruits, and currently Angus was part of the final platoon of recruits to arrive. The planet was never safe but it was never filled with tyranids, orcs have attacked the planet before but nothing of this magnitude. Angus knew training was going to be a painful and slow process but he didn’t expect day one of the second stage be defending a dwarf planet, in orbit around a gas giant that is three times the size of Jupiter in the Terra system, ten light years from Cadia. The planet was meant for combat training in controlled environments but this was real, these were not fake tyranids. Fest Prime Alpha had become the tomb for hundreds of recruits and commanders but worst of all, Angus had chances to save some of them.

     Angus peeled himself from the barricade and marched over to a group of grey knights laughing loudly and gleefully. As Angus  approached, one of the grey knights, with a giant snow grey beard and frost blue eyes, turned to Angus as he said, “Recruit, how is training.” Angus laughed in return as he slid his boltergun on to his back.

   “As good as being attacked by tyranids can get sir,” replied Angus, laughing with the grey knights. The grey knight reached out his hand as he stated, “I am Brother Helka, who are you?” Angus grasped the knight’s hand tightly as he replied with a slight growl, “Brother Angus, one of three hundred survivors of the Cadian guard and from the two hundred and thirty third regiment.”

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