Blake's POV
I sat on the bar stool at the diner all alone. Henry and Eric are supposedly on their way over. The silence and loneliness I'm feeling right now isn't working for me. All I can think about is Emma. It hit me as I was driving over here that we actually broke up. I can't call her or text her when I want. I can't tell her I love her. I can't hold her hand. All I can do is take her to prom, which only for one night and then we continue to be separated.
I sighed and grabbed the small mug in front of me filled with coffee and took a large sip.
"Are you sure everything is ok honey?" Lucy asked leaning over the counter.
I nodded my head and looked down, not wanting to meet her eyes.
"Well it looks like your friends are here so wipe those tiny tears up" Lucy said
I looked back and saw indeed that Henry and Eric just walked in. I quickly took my sleeve and wiped my cheeks. I grabbed my mug and put on a fake smile before getting off the stool to walk towards my two friends.
"Hey man, how's it going?" Eric asked giving me a hug
I just smile and nodded, not having the ability to talk yet. God what's wrong with me? I was fine at Emma's house but now all I want to do is crawl up somewhere and cry.
"Blake are you alright?" Henry asked giving me a suspicious look.
Again, all I could do was nod and smile. I felt the back of my throat close and hot tears starting to form. I turned around and started walking over to an empty booth and felt Lucy's eyes burn through my back.
I wonder if Emma is feeling the same as me? I hope she isn't crying.
"Blake we can reschedule this. If something is going on at home-"
"No, I have to tell you guys my plan" I said interrupting Eric.
We all slid into the booth as I took another sip of my coffee.
"So, first things first uh..I broke up with Emma. Well, it was all mutual but yeah" I said receiving shocked expressions from across the table
"No wonder you're practically crying" Henry muttered
"How is she? What happened?" Eric asked making sure his best friend was okay.
"Well we talked about how dangerous I am now and I told her that I don't want any of you involved, which was a lie." I said receiving nods
"I told her how I've been fighting more which made me think of the plan" I continued
"Which involves us" Henry said finishing my train of thought
"Exactly" I said taking another sip
"Ok, shoot." Eric said motioning me to start my plan
"That's it, shoot" I said receiving odd expressions
"Shoot? Shoot what?" Eric asked
"Shoot a gun" Henry said seriously, staring at me. I nodded my head to confirm his statement and continued to explain.
"Listen, I was at a fight the other day and me and my opponent faked it. My friend saw right through it but that doesn't matter since everyone else in the gang is always drunk." I said
"That still doesn't explain why we need a gun" Henry said obliviously not liking my plan so far.
"Next time I'm up against him or another weak opponent who is willing to fake fight I'll invite you two. All you have to do is stand there with a gun in your pocket. I'll make sure my boss is there. If the boss gets shot everything is done. No more gang, no more deals, nothing. He is the heart of the whole system." I explained

The Blake Project: Book 2
Teen FictionSequel to 'The Baby Project' Hearts will be broken, deaths will be made, are you ready for this crazy experience? {Thank you @ebdiamonds02 for making a flipagram trailer!} Link to Flipagram Trailer: