Chapter 9

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Blake's POV

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache. I groaned in pain as I rolled over in my bed to look at the time.

"Shit" I cursed

I'm ten minutes behind schedule. I got up from bed and noticed I small piece of paper on my nightstand. I picked it up and read the perfect handwriting.

Blake, I figured you might get a headache tomorrow so I left two Advil on your nightstand. -Emma

I looked down at the tabletop below me and saw the two green capsules. I gave a small smile before placing them in my mouth. I picked up an opened water bottle from the ground and chugged the rest before rubbing my bare chest and stretching.

I walked over to my dresser and found my usual white shirt and black jeans. After I changed into my clothes I made my way downstairs where the hyper little puppy was yelping from the kitchen.

"Shhhh, some people have headaches" I quietly shouted as I swung my leg over the puppy gate.

Buddy immediately started jumping around me, so excited that I've awoken.

"I wish I could bring you to school with me" I sighed

Why did my drunk mouth have to promise Emma that I would go to school today? I know she said I didn't have to but I told her I would so I have to keep my word.

I bent over the small cabinet and took out a small bag of puppy chow. I poured the pebbles into Buddy's bowl and watched as he attacked it as if he was starved.

"Alright Buddy, I'm going to go to school now. Behave yourself, Mom or Dad will come at lunch to let you outside for a bit" I told him as I crouched down and rubbed his ears

I stood back up and left the kitchen. I grabbed my jacket off of the rack near the front door and headed outside to my car.

The drive to school was quick but a little too quick. I anxiously sighed as I saw the school building come into view. I pulled into the crowded parking lot and parked in my usual spot. Grabbing my jacket from the seat next to me I climbed out of the car.

As I was putting my jacket on I noticed groups of girls staring at me. I smirked making them squeal. I chuckled to myself as I walked pass them giving them a tiny wave before entering the school.

"That's Blake Stevens!" I heard a hushed voice say as I made my way down the hall

I stared at all the people watching me through my aviators and continued my way to my locker. The whispers kept getting louder and louder. It's quite annoying and uncomfortable. Maybe I should've just stayed home.

I took off my glass as I reached my locker and placed them on the top shelf. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. I saw it was an incoming call from one of my best friends.

"Hello?" I answered in a monotone voice

"Are you at school? Everyone is saying your here" Henry asked

"Holy shit I legit got here two seconds ago and everyone already knows?!" I exclaimed glancing over at the various people who were still starring my way.

"Yeah it's changed here" Henry said with a heavy sigh

"Tell me about" I mumbled back

"Hey I'll meet you at your locker ok?" Henry offered making me smile

"Nah, let's all meet up where we used to" I said shutting my locker closed

"Alight man, bye" Henry said before hanging up the phone.

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