Chapter 15

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Emma's POV

Knowing Blake isn't coming into school today makes me feel powerless. When Blake's around no one speaks to me, it's like he's a force field against everyone who is against me.

I opened my locker and dropped my bag inside.

Maybe I can skip Gym.

"You better not skip Gym" Megan said from behind me, reading my thoughts.

"And why is that?" I asked turning around to face her.

"If you skip you are practically telling her that she won, that she has finally made you break. Don't show her how scared you actually are." Megan said repositioning her books on her hip.

"Easy for you to say, Eric is here for you." I sighed

"No he's not, he is sick. Now, grow some balls and let's stand up for ourselves. We don't need boys to protect us, we can fight this on our own."Megan preached.

I nodded my head and watched as Henry came running down the hall.

"What about him, Ms. Girl Power?" I asked pointing to Henry who almost accidentally slipped on a fallen piece of paper.

"He'll just cheer us up when we need a little boost" Meg smiled as he scurried his say over to us.

"You ok?" I laughed at the out of breath boy in front of me.

"I'm perfect" Henry breathed out giving us a thumbs up signal.

"Should I even ask why you were sprinting to get to us?" Meg as asked raising her eyebrow

"Nah, you don't need to know that" Henry told her while patting her back.

"Do you need water?" I asked him noticing how he's still panting.

"I'm good" he said waving me off.

"So ladies, are you ready for Prom?" Henry asked leaning against a locker holding his chest

"I guess" I shrugged shutting my locker shut

"Oh yeah because winning Prom queen isn't important to you anymore" Henry sarcastically remarked while rolling his eyes.

"It isn't. I actually don't want to win, I want to be invisible" I told him

"Well, I would start practicing smiling because in two days you'll be up on that stage." Henry said as the first bell rang.

I groaned out loud for two reasons. One, I'm Prom Queen. Two, I have gym now. I dragged my feet towards the locker room door.

I walked inside and looked around for the evil blonde who seems to be nowhere in sight. I took off my sweater and scarf, replacing them with my plain white gym shirt.

"Hi Emma" The girl next to me chirped.

"Hey Margret" I said returning the smile.

Angie may have tried to turn the whole school against me but there are some people like Margret who aren't scared to do what's right.

"How's Blake and your friends?" She asked as we finished changing.

This is a daily thing she does. She always asks how I'm doing, how Blake is, and she even keeps me company when he isn't here.

"Everyone is good thanks for asking" I said shutting my locker.

"There's a rumor going around Blake's little cousin died, I hope that isn't true" she told me pushing up her brown glasses

"I wish it wasn't" I said knowing that that's part of the reason why Blake isn't coming in today.

"Send my condolences to him please" Margret said making me give her a small smile.

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