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Meliodas's P.O.V

"King is trying to get into the Necropolis?" Diane asks from outside the tavern's window.

"That guy..." The boy starts, "For the past few days, he's been coming here to figure out how to get to the Necropolis."

"If he's been looking how to get there for days... Does that mean it's a grave in a really remote place?" Hawk asks.

"No... It's right around here," The boy shakes his head.

"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.

"The entrance of the Necropolis is in this village, but you can't go there just because you want you to," The boy says.

I nod listening to him, "I see... In other words," I say and bend down to Hawk tying a plate of Ban's food on rope and stick, tying the stick to Hawk, "It's like this!"

"I don't think that's what he meant Captain," Y/N says and I look at her, "If I understood the small information correctly," She turns to the boy and girl, "That the Necropolis isn't a grave hidden or in view, it's a place where people who have passed on live, correct?" She asks and they nod.

"So basically... It's like the afterlife?" I ask.

"Basically yes," She nods.

"How... How can we go to a place like that?" Elizabeth asks a little worried.

"How can I reach this plate right here!!" Hawk says but we ignore him struggle to get the playte.

"Have you been there?" Ban asks the children.

"No way! It's all just superstition!"The boy shakes his head quickly, "But every now and then, travellers and rich people would come here because of that rumour and that's how this village got started."

"But... If it's the afterlife, there's no way we can get there, right?" Elizabeth asks looking at me and I look back at her with my arms folded across my chest.

"' A priceless memory shared with the deceased will open the path to the Necropolis' Our next-door neighbour was always saying that," The girl says, "I'm sorry... That's about all we know..."

I hear the door open and shut, I turn to see Y/N flying away, "Let's go, everyone," I say and we all follow after the adorable fairy.

We follow her into the village and stop by some small cliffs, "A priceless memory with the deceased will open the path... then," Elizabeth says and I look at her with a blank look at she smiles and blushes, "I... Want to meet my mother who passed away when I was young because I couldn't get to know her and I don't know anything about her."

"How stupid are you?" Y/N asks bluntly, "How would that open the gate when you have no memory of your mother?" I bite the inside of my mouth trying not to laugh at the choice of her words.

I watch as she stares off into space, possibly thinking about whoever she shares a priceless memory with. I suddenly notice flowers surrounding the ground, "Were these blooming just a second ago?" I ask.

"Who cares?" Hawk says and I glance at the talking pig, "They're just flowers, even if we were to eat them, we'd never get full..." He huffed making the petals on a flower fly up then all the petals suddenly went up into the air with a large surge of wind surrounding us. 

I cover my eyes when the wind gets too much once the wind had died down I move my hand down. I'm stunned by the sight I see, calm and empty, a place surrounded by green crystals coming up from the ground or walls.

"Captain... Is this?" Diane starts.

"...Yeah," I answer her.

"Is it possible that my longing to see my mother... Led us here...?" Elizabeth asks.

Wolf Sin of Betrayal PART ONE {Meliodas}Where stories live. Discover now