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Y/N's P.O.V

"Show us what you can do Diane," I say with a smile.

"Will do!" She smiles at me and hands the tiny Elizabeth to Meliodas, "Here Captain! Be careful with her, okay?" She asks before rushing onto the rink.

Meliodas puts Elizabeth on his shoulder and looks at me, "Are you okay?" He leans in with a smirk.

"Yes, I'm fine," I smile at him, "I wonder who I'll fight... It's an uneven number," I comment.

"Well," An unfamiliar voice speaks up and Meliodas and I look at the voice to see a skinny man but his eyes trained on the match, "The referee will calculate the quickest to end the game and that contestant will go straight to the final," He explains then looks at us, "Make sense?"

"Yes, thank you Sir," I smile and bounce a little as I turn to Diane, "Go girl!" I cheer.

Meliodas starts petting Elizabeth's head, "S...Sir Meliodas," She squeaks a little, "I hmm..."

"What's wrong, Elizabeth?" Meliodas asks and I look away from them.

"The reason Sir Meliodas did all those things to me is... Because I'm... Not important to you... Right?" She says.

Meliodas flinches a little, "Hm? I can't hear you properly," I roll my eyes at his words.

"Meli," I look at him and they turn to me, "Pay attention, he isn't a normal guy remember," I say and watch as Howzer looks away pointing to his chest due to Diane's cleavage being out, "See he's a gentleman."

"You saying I'm not?" Meliodas asks as he starts groping my butt.

"Correct," I blush and remove his hand from my butt, "Stop it," I smile at him before turning back to Diane and see an approaching tornado from Howzer going towards her, "That'll rip her clothes to shreds," I tilt my head.

"But if you stay still, it won't hurt!!" Howzer says as he controls the tornado to attacks Diane who continues to dodge successfully, "Stop struggling and leave it to me! Just go with the flow! It'll feel great like you're flying through the sky! Just leave everything to my magic hands!"

"Wow!" Meliodas exclaims and I look at him, "This guy is amazing! Everything he says is sexual!"

I facepalm as Howzer faceplants the rink denying everything then admits he doesn't like to hurt woman, no matter how strong they are.

Howzer goes back to controlling the tornado and Diane dodges until two approach her body, the power of the wind causes her uniform to rip. Diane places her hand over Howzer's instantly cutting off any power control.

"That's my girl!!" I cheer and bounce.

"Will you get this excited in my next fight?" Meliodas asks.

"Depends who you're fighting," I smile at him and I laugh as Howzer is slapped, "My girl!" My eyes widen a little at her skirt tearing, "Damn it... She's nearly out of time," I whisper.

"Huh?" Meliodas looks at Diane, "Oh crap... She'll be... Naked..." He mumbles.

"And probably try to jump ya," I pat his head with a giggle, "Good luck darling."

"Shut it," He slaps my butt and I jump, "You'll get worse than that if you continue to sass me, woman."

"WHIRL SHOCK!" Howzer says and looks at me, he winks, "You and me next girly," He smirks and I grab ahold of Meliodas collar as he goes to the rink to probably hurt Howzer. 

I watch as a large swirl of wind appears in front of Diane and it moves towards her but as it disappears she's stood there, "Matrona, bring it to an end!" I shout, "Bring his ego down to size!"

"I don't have an ego!" He looks at me.

"I'm married," I say bluntly and point to Meliodas.

"Stop winking at my woman," He cracks his knuckles and a dark aura appears around Meliodas freaking Howzer out a little.

"Damn it," Howzer grinds his teeth and slaps his hands down on the ground and a large twister grows from the ground and it sucks up the debris from the rink. 

I feel my body pulled into Meliodas as we watch the twister nearly covers the rink with no way to see inside, "Matrona!" I step forward a little and hear her scream, "She'll be fine... Remember what's stronger than wind!!!!" I shout.

"What's stronger than wind?" Harlequinn questions, "What's that?" I hit him over the head, "Oh yeah... Sorry, stupid question."

"HEAVY METAL!" Diane shouts and the ground soon cracks, I lift up my right leg as the crack separates me and Meliodas. I turn to the rink to see Diane sat on Howzer, "I'm sorry," She says and she tries to help him sit up.

"Matrona get away from him right now!" Harlequinn shouts.

"You okay honey?" Meliodas asks jumping over the crack to me.

"Yeah I'm good," I smile at him and look at Diane who's walking to us, "That's my girl."

"Hehe," She sticks her tongue out a little and winks at me. Diane takes Elizabeth from Meliodas.

"Next up, semi-finals, fight two, Meliodaf versus Cain!" Lovehelm shouts.

"I'm off to get a drink, honey. Don't lose before I can smack you around a bit," I wink at Meliodas, "Let's go brother," I turn Harlequinn around and push him away from the rink.

"No good luck kiss?" Meliodas asks.

I look at him and smirk then quickly do something before throwing something red to him, "Good luck gift," I wink and I run as I drag my younger brother.

We get to the bring that leads us to the village, "GOOD LUCK PANTIES!" Meliodas shouts and I giggle.

"You gave him your underwear?!" Harlequinn questions.

"Not the ones I'm wearing, I just made them on the spot," I smile and we walk around the market, getting something to eat and drink.

"Are you mad at me?" Harlequinn asks and I look at him as I take a bite out of my sandwich, "I mean you left our Kingdom to me and I left twice."

"You had reasons, I'd do the exact same... I'd rather you be a King with a heart that a King without one, you know?" I question and smile, "Besides, we both abandoned the Kingdom but I'll be taking control of the forest when all this shit is over."

"I think that would be best, with the Captain by your side?" Harlequinn asks.

"Imagine Meli with a crown," I giggle at my thought, "And Ban trying to steal it every time he sees it."

"Sounds just like what will happen," He says and chuckles, "Love you, sis."

"Love you too, bro."

Wolf Sin of Betrayal PART ONE {Meliodas}Where stories live. Discover now