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Harlequinn's P.O.V

"Instant death to the monstrous women!" Hawk cheers.

"They're not dead. Besides, I have some questions I want to ask them," I ask and look at Stephan picking up the tiny Princess, "Hey, mister Pig and Stephan, can I leave Captain and Ban to you? Stephan, guard the Princess, of course, and I can work with Y/N to make your punishment less aggressive."

"Leave it to me!" Hawk says bitting their collars.

"Yes, Sir," Stephan says and holds the tiny Princess before they run away.

I let gravity pull me to the ground and I walk to the apprentices, "Well then, what are you really after? This attack was to divert our attention from your real goal... was it? You should have seen this coming, or did you seriously think that you could win?" I ask as Guila sits up, "Sorry to disappoint you... But you Holy Knight will never the Eight Deadly Sins."

"Wretched fool... I'll return those words right back to you," Guila says and I look at her, "The Eight Deadly Sins will be... Utterly Annihilated by us Holy Knights," She threatens.

Howzer's P.O.V

"Diane, the Serpent's Sin of Envy of the Eight Deadly Sins... That's as far as you go!!" I shout as I walk around a boulder in my armour. I feel guilty doing this, I know Y/N is on our side but it could have all been a plan to see Stephan back with her, "Don't try to pull anything funny!"

"Howzer?! Is Y/N safe? The Captain told her to run as did King," She says.

"You're after the Sacred Treasure, aren't you?" I ask.

"You mean... Gideon?" She questions and points me suddenly, "Oh!! Then you must've been the one who hid my Sacred Treasure!!"

"AS IF!" I shout back at her, "I'm not sure about Y/N... Stephan went to assist her after we saw this white light... So I don't know," I told her, "Also, for your crime ten years ago of assassinating the Grandmaster and attempting to overthrow the Kingdom... As a Holy Knight, I'm putting you under arrest!!"

"I didn't do it," She tells me seriously.

"Li...Liar!" I point to her, "You're just feigning ignorance! You're trying to get the Sacred Treasure so you can attempt to overthrow the Kingdom again!! And taking Vaizel was just the first part of your plan, wasn't it?!"

Diane puts her hands on her hips and pouts a little, "What are you talking about? Besides, Guila's the one who did this to the town!! Isn't she one of you guys?!"

"T...That's true, she is a Holy Knight, but... They're with Hendrickson and I don't know what they're up to, and I just happened to be in the area... A-Anyway!" I start to carry on but Diane quickly runs to rubble and starts throwing the rubble away, "Don't try to pull anything funny!" I warn her. 

Stephan's P.O.V

I lead the pig to a safer area but I can't go too far as I need to be near my Queen. I place the tiny princess on the ground as she requested, "Why are you helping us?" The talking pig asks and I turn to him.

"My Queen who expect me to assist her comrades as well as our King who request it as well," I kneel beside Meliodas and check his pulse, "Faint, but it's there, he'll be fine when My Queen can heal him."

Elizabeth looks at me, "Are you..." She starts.

"I tried to burn her in the festival yes," I nod, "Please just keep it to that," I smile at her, "I regret my actions but I never saw her human form and I swear her power of Ultimate Disaster."

"Ultimate Disaster?" Elizabeth questions, "I thought it was elements."

"Ultimate Disaster, it's similar's to Harl... King's Disaster power, but it is stronger and more deadly than that and doesn't need her weapon at all... Her elemental power seems to be more self-taught through her Ultimate Disaster," I try to explain.

I look at the small princess who nods but doesn't look like she's understood.

"ELLIE?!" I hear and turn to the voice to see a girl with purple bob hair.

"Sister!!" Elizabeth runs closer to her.

"What happened to your body? And your clothes!!" The stranger points to Elizabeth overs wall.

"You see, what happened was... Ah..." I look at the little princess who seems to be growing, my eyes widen a little as I see her bare butt, "Oh...Oh no, my body is... Turning back to normal."

"TURN AROUND, MEN!" The firey purple-haired woman says.

I turn around, "Lady Elizabeth," I speak and slide off my jacket offering it to her, "Please, feel free to wear this."

"It's fine, I'm offering her my jacket," The purple-haired princess says.

"And what would cover you?" I ask.

"Thank you, Stephan," Elizabeth says taking my jacket, "Veronica, he's right... You'll be half-naked till you got home," Elizabeth says, "All done, thank you again, Stephan... Though downstairs it's a bit breezy..."

"Sorry, I'm still learning how to make clothes from leaves and flowers," I bow to her a little and turn to the purple-haired princess.

"What are you doing her Veronica?" Elizabeth asks.

"Why do you even ask? Looking for you, what else? As well as to rescue you from," Veronica asks and points to Melidoas, "From the villain!" I notice a pendant around her neck.

Veronica grabs Elizabeth, "Anyway, we have to get out of here! Before the fighting between the Holy Knights and the Eight Deadly Sins intensifies!" She says and the two women struggle with the other being just as stubborn as the other.

Meliodas suddenly appears between them, separating them, "I'll protect Elizabeth... With my life!!" He says shielding her with his body then he notices me, "S...Stephan?"

I bow instantly, "Please punish me... I tried burning Lady Y/N!" I say.

"Ohh you were the burn girly burn?" He questions and I fluster in embarrassment, "I'll leave that to Y/N."

"Ye...Yeah, right!! How dare you say such a thing, you criminal!! Because of you, she's a wanted criminal as well! Give Ellie back now!!" Veronica orders.

"I will protect your sister... With everything, I've got!! Trust me!" Meliodas says and I see Elizabeth press herself against him with a smile, he lightly shoves her off.

"Looks like Hendrickson was right... You really did brainwash Ellie," Veronica smirks and holds up a pendant, "See this? It attracts evil and seals them away forever. Roacobasra... Melcito!"

My eyes widen as Meliodas is sucked into the pendant, "Sir Meliodas!" I shout and grab him wrist, getting pulled in, "Shit!" I look around us and it's pitch black, "Meliodas?!" I shout.

"Right here," He taps my shoulder and we sit, "A Goddess Amber," He mumbles "Shields demons inside."

"Demons?" I look at him, "Then you're..." I notice a crest on his forehead and his eyes black, "Meliodas... Prince Meliodas..."

"I hate that title," I grumble and look away, "I'm not Prince of the Demon Realm," I tell him, "Reframe from calling me that."

"Apologies," I say quickly and look at him, "Does Y/N know? Of course, she does, stupid question."

"You're very talkative..." He comments with a smirk.

"I'm sorry!" I bow to him, "Sir, do you have any idea how to get out of here?" I ask.

"I do, but you will have to stay down and just let me go off on my own when we're out," He says, "Don't let anyone follow me."

"Yes sir," I nod.

Wolf Sin of Betrayal PART ONE {Meliodas}Where stories live. Discover now