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Stephan's P.O.V

I stare at Meliodas as we sit in the Goddess Amber, a shiver runs down my spine as he stands up letting his darkness out, "No one is keeping me from her, anymore!!" He shouts and the Ambers breaks.

I shield my eyes as the sunlight burns my eyes and I stand up, looking at Meliodas who seems to have lost himself. Markings all over his body and I turn to see Princess Veronica on the floor, Princess Elizabeth been crying and I turn to see Guila and Jericho looking at us.

"Meliodas! How... How did he break out of the Goddess Amber?!" Guila questions holding his broken blade and in the blink of an eye her hand is sliced off.

I look at Meliodas to see the broken blade in his hand, he swings the sword, removing the discarded hand off the blade as well as sending a harsh attack at the Holy Knights as he walks forward.

I grab Elizabeth and the talking pig, I fly away knowing Ban would be okay. I hold them both steady as I fly away from the battle. I look up and see Meliodas with a single black wing and he flies off.

Y/N's P.O.V

I crash into the ground and cough up a little blood, before turning onto my side, "Fuck... I'm out of shape," I whisper and stand up, looking at the Holy Knight to see he is also on the ground.

I feel the ground shake and I turn to see Ban running my direction, with Harlequinn knocked out, "Leave him and run!" He shouts, "Diane is levelling the town!" 

I look to see Diane full size with her Gideon before I feel the ground crack, "Go on ahead, I'm busy," I say and turn to the Holy Knight standing up.

"My queen!" I hear Stephan, "We need to get you to safety!"

I see Diane's foot in front of me and I look up, "Y/N... It's the Captain... He's... Not so good," She kneels down and lays Meliodas on the ground.

"Sunlight drop," I say and my Nightshadefol heals Meliodas and he starts waking up. I walk around Meliodas to the Holy Knight, "I've had enough... of... YOU!!!" Nightshadefol turns into a scythe and I slice him in half, "Go to hell you bastard!!" 

"Your sister is scary..." Ban says.

The Holy Knight starts laughing and he stands unharmed, my eyes widen, "Impossible..." I whisper.

"It's possible," He smirks, "I'm immortal."

I smirk and tap my foot on the ground letting ice surround him, "Very well," I drop my Nightshadefol before charging and punching the iced Holy Knight letting it shatter and cover each part of the knight in more ice before using my wind taught power to separate him across the world, "Done, he can be immortal in separate pieces."

"Scary~," Ban says and I look at him, glaring at him, "Easy Queeny!"

Meliodas taps Ban's chest, "Calm down, she won't do anything to you," He walks to me, "You look like shit."

"I feel groggy," I slowly sit down and hold my head, "Is it normal to see blackness?"

Meliodas picks me up bridal style, "Try to relax while we get you inside then I'll find a spring for you to relax in," He says and starts walking, "Guys, come on let's go home."

"Cap'n, what happened to your sword?" Ban says and Meliodas stops walking.

"'Guess it was stolen," He says.

"Wasn't it something important to you?!" Elizabeth says and jogs around to his side, "Is it really fine?"

"It's not fine at all. The situation is dire, but," He looks at me, "I just want you healthy," He rests his forehead against mine, "We'll get the sword soon," He says and walks on.

I lean into him and trance my finger along his marking of fairy wings, "You can go get it, I'll be fine on my own," I tell him.

"I'm not leaving you alone," He whispers.

When we get to the tavern, Stephan and Harlequinn tend to my headache and the blackness in my eyes slowly faded. Meliodas and Ban taunted Harlequinn as Meliodas cleaned his wound. Elizabeth bandaged up Hawk as I created her a new uniform.

"Let's get going!" Meliodas claps his hands and we look at him, "Starting tomorrow we'll open the bar, business as usual and the search for the rest of the Eight Deadly Sins and the sacred treasures!" He asks as Hawk's Mama buries herself in the ground.

"Shouldn't we be focusing on the dragon hilt?" I ask and stretch my arms, "But whatever you say."

"Come with me," He says and holds his hand out to me, I smile and slide my head into his, "Let's go for a walk," He says.

I nod and we walk away from the tavern. I look at Meliodas, "Meli?" I ask and he smiles hums a little, "What's the next step, dragon hilt or Sins and sacred treasures?" I ask.

"I'd love to say we could get the dragon hilt with what we have now, but... I don't think it would work like that very much," He says and holds me close before looking at the spring in front of us, "Want to go for a dip?" 

"Sure," I smile and blush as he steps back before removing his clothes, I look away, "Jeez you have no shame."

"Of course not," He chuckles, "Since when were you a shy girl?" He asks and gets into the water. 

"It's been a while alright?!" I remove my dress and step in beside him, bringing my arms around my chest.

"Come here you," Meliodas says and lightly pulls me onto his lap then wraps his arms around my waist, "We need to get my dragon hilt... You know why."

"I know honey," I say as I tilt my head back onto his shoulder, "We'll get it back and they'll stay where they are... If we can't, I know what can block them in."

"So you haven't been slacking these past 10 years in prison," He comments.

"Shut up," I giggle and we enjoy our bath together, cuddling together like we used to. 

Once we've finished bathing, we dress and sit on the rock, "Those Holy Knights are kinda... Scary in a way," I comment, "Not in a way I'm going to run but as in... Nightmares, like demons... But not."

Meliodas nods, "I didn't think the Holy Knights could gain so much power this quickly," He says and I look at him, "I guess I can't be holding back anymore," He leans in and kisses my neck, "So sweet and delicious."

I giggle and he stands up, breaking off a branch from a growing small tree. He looks at the hill in front of us and swings the branch, the power of his swing causes the hill to crack and split apart. 

He jumps off the rock and I fly after him, "When the skies at filled with crossing shooting stars, Britannia will be visited by an immense menace... It is an omen of the beginning of a trial of ancient origins, a Holy War between the guiding hand of light and the bloodline of darkness... huh?" Meliodas says and I fly behind him as he walks through the crack of the hill where the other Sins, Hawk and Elizabeth stand.

"That's right... Let's finish this," He says, "I promise and for the person who fought beside me for so long. This battle has raged on for three thousand years... I'll put an end to it once and for all!!" Meliodas says.

Wolf Sin of Betrayal PART ONE {Meliodas}Where stories live. Discover now