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BORN: March 14, 2496

I stood up, taking a deep breath and releasing it while muttering to myself, "Here we go..." I walked up the stairs and stopped when I got to the podium, looking out at my classmates.

"Mr. Ashford-Brock, as you know, is part monster. We didn't choose him to speak because of this reason, but because of the story he has to tell." I glanced at my principal as he spoke. "This story needs to be heard, and that is why we've given him the opportunity to share it with you all." He looked at me. "You are welcome to proceed."

I sighed, then cleared my throat, glancing at where my dad was seated. I glanced at my half-sister, and she smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

I smiled faintly back, looked away, then cleared my throat again.

My heart was pounding rapidly and my hands sweated nervously as I took a few deep breaths before speaking into the microphone in front of me.

"Graduating class of 2514... my name is Cameron Ashford-Brock. As you know, we have recently discovered what makes monsters... well, monsters.

"Radiation. World War IV had an enormous radiation outbreak that affected people with certain genes, such as my family. People woke up, and they weren't the same. They were pushed away from society. They were hunted. Killed. This went on for years. Thinking of no other thing to do but separate monsters from humans, the world shifted seventy-five percent of the monsters to the east continents, and seventy-five percent of humans to the west continents. Monster schools were banned in the Americas until the year we were born, and even then mixed-bloods like me were ridiculed. The reason I'm telling you this is because it leads up to what I'm about to tell you: the story of my grandparents. My grandparents were the first of the generations that would end all of the madness.

"The year was 2466..."

Dark Beginnings ||Part I of the Dark World Series||Where stories live. Discover now