The Attack

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When I made it to my room I plopped down on my bed and rubbed my face. I could feel the stress from my meeting with Palpatine wash over me. The whole time I was wit him I could feel his anger and for a second I thought he would burst out and attack me. I heard a knock and let out a sigh as I walked up to the door and opened it to see Amidala.

"Senator." I said softly.

"Please call me Padmé, I just came to tell you that the meeting is in a hour." She said softly.

"Of course, I'll finish getting ready and then meet you." I said softly.

She nodded her head and turned and left the room. I let out a sigh and walked back to my bed and looked for some clothes.

After slipping on a black dress and some gold heels I put my hair in a braid and let out a sigh. I grabbed my list and stood up. I heard a knock on my door and looked through the peephole to see a woman.

"Is everything alright?" I asked as I opened the door.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and looked down to see a knife in my stomach.

"Sidious sends his love." She whispered as she roughly pulled it out.

I fell to the ground and she turned and ran off. I moved my hand to my stomach and put as much pressure in my wound as I tried to keep steady breathing. I heard footsteps and turned my head to see two clones.

"Help." I whispered.

One of the clones rushed to my side and picked me up.

"Run and get a medic!" He yelled to the other.

He took off and he gently picked me up and started to carry me.

"It's alright, I got you Senator." He said softly.

"What's.... your name?" I gasped out.

"My name's Fives." He said softly.

He carried me to a medical station. He laid me on the bed and I saw the medical droids rush in and start working on me. It wasn't long before I passed out from the pain. When I next woke up Anakin and Ahsoka where in the room with Padmé and another man.

"How could this of happened?" Padmé asked with a frown.

"I should of watched her, I left her with Master Yoda and I thought that he was staying with her, if I had known I-"

"It isn't your fault Anakin, luckily Echo and Fives arrived when they did, or she wouldn't be here." The man said softly.

"Master Kenobi is correct, if they hadn't showed up..... I shutter at the thought." Padmé said as she let out a sigh.

My eyes fluttered open and I turned my head to see Anakin turn and look at me.

"You're awake." He said as he set up.

"A woman, with jet black hair.... sent by.... Sidious." I said softly.

"We know, we already found her." Anakin said softly.

"She was trying to run away." Ahsoka said with a frown.

"He.... is a coward." I said as I set up.

"Easy, you do not want to rip your stitches." Kenobi said softly.

"I have to meet with the Senate." I said as I moved my feet to the floor.

"That can wait, you must recover."

"I can recover later." I said as I stood up.

"My lady-"

"Padmé can you tell them I am going to be making it to the meeting?" I asked calmly.

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