A Queen and a Jedi

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I could still feel my blood boiling as I thought back to my conversation with my grandfather. I never could understand how he could allow someone to control his life, a sith no less. It wasn't long before I arrived back on Onderon and I was greeted by the guards.

"This way my Lady." One of them said as they bowed their head to me.

We made it to a transporter and I stepped onto it. It soon landed and I followed close behind them towards the palace. When I made it inside I removed my cloak and hug it on a rack.

"Senator Mina requests you to meet her." The guard said.

I nodded my head and followed the guard to the Senator. When we arrived I saw two women with Mina. I smiled as I recognized one of the women to be a old friend of mine.

"Senator Amidala, a honor to see you again." I said with a bow of my head.

"You as well Lady Allana. Ahsoka, meet Senator Allana Of Serenno." Amidala said calmly.

"Dooku's world? I thought he was the representative?" Ahsoka asked softly.

"Please, you think I'd let him control everything that happens with my world? I do not trust a sith to do what is right for my people."

"I wouldn't let Dooku catch you saying that." Ahsoka said with a frown.

"My grandfather has heard me say worse." I said as I sent her a smile.

"Dooku is your grandfather?" She asked shocked.

"Sadly yes, though I don't claim him."

"I never knew he had a granddaughter." Ahsoka said as a frown appeared on her face.

"Not many people do, he doesn't go blabbing it to his enemies, Dooku may act heartless, but he does care a little about me." I said with a smile.

"Wait if he is your grandfather, then who is your father?"

"That is a secret that even I don't know." I said softly.

"Dooku never told you who your father is?" Ahsoka asked with a frown.

"He keeps a lot of things from me. I've gotten use to his secrets."

I looked at Mina and she let out a sigh. I felt a small smile appear on my face as I smoothed out my dress.

"So I guess this is who is coming to talk about peace negotiations?" I asked with a smile.

"You know about this?" Amidala asked in shock.

"Dooku told me that there would most likely be a vote. He wants me to vote against it." I explained.

"But let me guess, you told him no." Mina said with a smile.

"When have I ever did what he asked of me?" I asked with a laugh.

She shook her head and sent me a smile. Soon Ahsoka left to speak to Lux and I watched from the window.

"So I never got a chance to ask you but when did you become Senator? There where rumors that Dooku gave you the rank at age sixteen."  Amidala said as I turned to look at her.

"I was actually fifteen, one of the youngest senators alive. Dooku wanted someone he trusted, he thought I would do what he asked of me, but he was wrong.... and sadly our people like me to much for him to force me out." I said as I walked over to her and set down on the couch.

"Allana has made many enemies in vein Senator of Serenno." Mina said softly.

"So where do you stand in this war?" Amidala asked with a frown.

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