The End of a Story

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After I had finished my message, I left to return home for the night. I had half expected the clones to be out celebrating, but I was shocked when I saw Fives standing at my door.

"Fives? I had expected you to be off celebrating." I said softly.

His eyes met mine and I watched as he took in a shaky breath. He cleared his throat and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Is everything alright, Fives?" I asked softly.

"I.... I was going to go out and celebrate, but I realized.... that I would rather be here... keeping you safe." He said calmly.

"Thank you." I said as I sent him a smile.

I walked inside and gently held the door for him, I smiled softly as he walked inside and looked around the house.

"Would you like some tea?" I asked softly.

"I'd love some." He said as he set down.

He removed his helmet and I felt myself staring.

"Something wrong?" He asked softly.

"You know you and Echo look different?" I said softly.

"We're clones. We can't look different." He said as he sent me a frown.

"Yes you can. Your eyes are more stern, while Echo's are more playful. Your eyebrows are more thick while Echo's are less.... it's the little things that help me tell you apart.... Like your smile." I said as I handed him a cup of tea.

"My smile?" He asked softly.

"Your smile makes me feel warm inside, Echo's doesn't." I said softly.

I saw a small smile on his face and I went to set down in front of him but he quickly put his cup down and grabbed my hand. I look at him shocked and he scooted over and patted the seat beside him. I smiled as I set beside him and looked over at him.

"You know out of all the worlds I've been to.... I've never met anyone like you." He said softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a frown.

"I've never met a woman more brave.... more honest then you. You amaze me." He said softly.

"I try." I said as I held back a laugh.

He shook his head and smiled softly as he moved a strand of hair away from my face.

"You just.... you amaze me." He whispered as he stared at me.

"You already said that once, Fives.... you know you are starting to sound like Echo." I said softly.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"For what? Saying you sound like Echo?" I asked with a laugh.

"For being you." He said softly.

That would be the last time I would see Fives, a week later he was killed fighting along side Echo, who sadly was killed a few seconds later sacrificing his life to save the republic. After their deaths I moved to Lasan, to get away from the violence and retired from being Senator.

"Lady Allana." Zeb said as he walked into my room.

"Zeb, How many times must I tell you to just call me Allana?" I asked with a laugh.

"Sorry." He said softly.

I shook my head and I turned and he sent me a smile.

"You look beautiful." He said as he gently pulled me closer to him.

"How long have I been here again?" I asked softly.

"Three years." He said softly.

"And in that whole amount of time we have been dancing around each other." I said softly.

"That we have." He said softly.

"It's getting tiresome." I said as I moved my hand to his face.

"That it is, my Lady."

"Want to stop?"

"Does that mean we are...."

"Together. Yes."

"Then yes, I would love to stop dancing around and-"

I cut him off by leaning up and gently kissing him. He let out a sigh and I smiled as he pulled me against him.

"That was so worth the wait." I whispered against his lips.

"That it was." He said softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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