A Visit to Coruscant

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When I arrived on Coruscant, Amidala greeted me at the docks. I smiled as she walked up to me and I pulled my cloak closer.

"With everything that has happened I didn't expect to see you here." She said as she led me inside.

"Dooku is on the run." I said calmly.

"What?" She asked shocked.

"We discovered his hand in Mina's death, and I revealed it to the senate, he is no longer part of the Separatist." I said softly.

"This is amazing, Mina will finally get the Justice she deserved." She said with a smile.

"And I have good news about the peace bill, they agreed on it and the attack that happened was all Dooku.... that's why I am here to apologize to the council and speak to them.... to end this war." I said softly.

"I'm glad to hear that. I will talk to the Senate-"

"I would rather talk to Chancellor Palpatine first, and if they could, could a Jedi be in the room... one you trust... I don't have much trust in the Chancellor and I want someone there to make sure he doesn't make any accusations that I tried to murder him." I said with a frown.

"How about we both go talk to the council?" She asked with a smile.

I nodded my head and followed behind her. When we made it inside I removed my hood and followed her to the Jedi council. She talked to a guard and he walked into the room and then came back and motioned for us to go inside. We walked inside and I held my breath as Amidala bowed her head. I looked around and felt my nerves start to fight for control as I felt eyes on me. I quickly pushed them down and held my breath and waited for them to talk.

"Senator Amidala, what is the meaning for this meeting?" One of them asked.

"Masters, May I introduce Lady Allana of Serenno." Amidala said as I bowed my head.

"Serenno? Dooku's homework's?" Another asked shocked.

"Dooku is no longer welcomed on Serenno." I said calmly.

"And may I ask why?" A human male asked with a frown.

"Because he is wanted for treason in the Separatist alliance." I said softly.

"Tell the senate we must." A small green thing said.

"Yoda I presume? Dooku talked highly of you." I said softly.

"Much of Dooku I see in you, his granddaughter I presume." He said softly.

"Dooku has a granddaughter?" Someone asked behind me.

I turned around and saw Ahsoka walk in with a man who had a frown on his face.

"I was surprised too. It's good to see you again, Lady Allana." Ahsoka said as she bowed her head.

"Ahsoka, it's good to see you are well." I said as I sent her a smile.

"You knew about this Padawan Tano?" The man from earlier asked.

"Yea, you knew Snips?" The man beside her asked.

"I told Master Yoda about her." She said with a frown.

"This must be the infamous Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker." I said calmly.

"You know it is illegal for you to be here, we shouldn't even be talking to you."

I felt annoyance boil up inside of me as I realized he was judging me. I quickly bit back my anger and kept my cool.

"I know, which is why you are talking to me. I came here knowing that I have people who wish me dead. I came to a world full of those people." I said softly.

"Why did you come? Why not send a message?" He asked with a frown.

"Because I wanted to do this in person. I do not fear Darth Sidious, I will not allow him to control my world and many other worlds any more. This war has to end, and that is why I am here." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"To end the war, a separatist, that will be the day." He said with a frown.

"Listen, I am not here to be judged by a Jedi who only sees the bad in people, I am here to finally stop a war that has destroyed so many lives." I said softly.

"I don't always see the bad in people. Matter a fact I'm great with people. And if you want to talk about the war then you should be talking to Palpatine." Anakin said with a frown.

"And that is why I am here, I do not trust him, and I will not meet with him alone. So I wish for a Jedi to accompany me, to show I am here for peace, and to make sure that he doesn't try to say I'm here to kill him."

"Palpatine would never-"

"And how do I know that? I have never met him, nor have I spoken to him. I don't know this man he doesn't know me either.... so I only wish to be prepared and show him I mean him no harm." I said cutting him off.

"Go with you, I will." Yoda said as he stood up.

"Thank you." I said with a bow of my head.

We started to walk but I stopped.

"Master Skywalker, if you could... I would feel better if you came along as well, since you know the Chancellor so well." I said softly.

"It would be my pleasure." He said as he walked past me.

I smiled in victory, I looked back at Amidala and sent her a nod before following behind Anakin.

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