**after carnival**

**Jack G's POV**

I walked up to our hotel room after the carnival ended and saw Danielle cuddled into Hayes' chest. As I shut the door, Hayes woke up and saw my silhouette in the doorway.

"Who's there" he asks sleepily

I decided to have a little fun with him by saying "don't you remember me" in a creepy voice

"No...should I" he replied sounding a little scared

"I have been living with you...in your nightmares" I replied almost letting out a chuckle

He was silent for a couple seconds but soon said "Fuck you Gilinsky! You scared the shit out of me!"

I chuckled quietly because my sister was still sleeping

"Hey can I talk to you for a second out in the hallway" I asked

"Ya sure" he says trying to get up without waking her

We walked into the hallway and I started talking to him "so...are you and my sister a thing?"

"No...not yet" he replied

"Well what's that supposed to mean!" I sort of yelled at him

He looked a little taken aback but calmly said "I want to ask her out but I don't know how"

"Oh" I said "just to be clear if you break her heart I will break your face. She doesn't need anymore heartbreak right now"

He nodded and then replied "I would never even think about it. I love her too much"

I nodded and pulled him into a bro hug. We went back in the room and he went back to sleep and so did I

**next morning**

**Danie's POV**

I woke up still snuggled into Shawn and got up quietly trying not to wake him. I ran back to my room and grabbed my stuff then went back to Shawn's room to get ready

After I got out of the shower I blow dried and curled my hair because today was the first day of Magcon

I changed into my floral print skater skirt with my white crop top and brown gladiator sandals

I also put on some mascara and foundation then left the bathroom to find Shawn laying in his bed playing on his phone

"Hi" I said

"Hey beautiful" he replied

"Do you want to go to the beach with Danielle and Hayes before Magcon?" I asked

"Sure" he replied "just let me get dressed first"

"K. I'll text Danielle and tell her" I said

To Bae😘: hey bae! Do u and Hayes wanna come to the beach with me and shawn

From Bae😘: Ya. We'll meet u in the lobby☺️

**Danielle's POV**

I shook Hayes awake and told him we were going to the beach with Danie and Shawn and he got up and got dressed

Once he got out of the bathroom I went in and took a quick shower then threw on my denim shorts with my white crop top and black flip flops

I came out of the bathroom to find Hayes texting someone on his phone

**Hayes' POV**

To Shawn: dude I'm so nervous😁 what if they say no

From Shawn: dude chill they can't say no after what we're about to do

To Shawn: I guess ur right. Gtg Danielle just came out of the bathroom...damn she's gorgeous

**Danielle's POV**

Hayes and I walked down to the lobby to see Shawn and Danie already there

"Hey baby!" I say hugging Danie while we giggled together

"Wassup bae!" She exclaims

**at the beach**

**Shawn's POV**

I was getting kinda nervous to ask Danie to be my girlfriend. Last night Hayes and I were texting each other and we decided that we were going to sing them a song and then ask them to be our girlfriends. I hope they say yes...I mean why wouldn't they?

**at the beach**

**Danielle's POV**

We were all walking along the beach together and talking about our lives when Shawn started to talk

"Guys lets sit on that rock together so we can take a break"

"K" Danie and I replied

We all sat down on the rock and Shawn pulled out his guitar; he was about to start singing but Danie and I almost immediately interrupted him

"KOLBY! DANIEL!-" Danie cut me off.

"MOCHAAAA!!"(a/n inside joke) Danie screamed

We both ran up to them and gave them all hugs.  When we pulled away we realized they were with none other than Abbie and Olivia...our sworn enemies

"Hey bitch" Danie said to Olivia

"Why hello other bitch" I said coldly to Abbie. I think you could cut the tension with a knife...that's how much we hate each other

"Why didn't you guys tell us you were leaving" Kolby asked

"I swear we meant to but we were so excited I guess we just forgot" I said apologetically

Danie and I looked over to see Hayes and Shawn flirting with Abbie and Olivia...how could they. I mean I get Abbie and Olivia but Hayes and Shawn? I thought they were better than that...I guess not

Mine and Danie's eyes started to get glossy and Kolby, Daniel, and Nick(Mocha) pulled us into a comforting hug. We thanked them and left...without Hayes and Shawn

**Hayes' POV**

Shawn pulled out his guitar and was about to start singing but Danielle interrupted him

"KOLBY, DANIEL-" then Danie cut her off

"MOCHAAAA!!" She yelled as they ran up and hugged these mystery boys

I looked at Shawn and he had anger and hurt in his eyes. I guess I did too

We noticed the mystery boys were with a couple of girls. Shawn and I talked a bit and agreed to flirt with them to make Danie and Danielle jealous

We walked up to them and started talking. I admit, they were hot! Not as hot as Danielle though

I saw the girls look at us and smiled at myself for my little victory. But then I turned around and realized they weren't there

Crap! What. Have. I. Done!

The Boy that Changed it All (A Magcon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now