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**Hayes' POV**

After Danielle said that it went silent and everyone stared at her

"Can I help you" she snapped

"Uh...can we talk?" I ask hesitantly

She gets up and walks out. I'm guessing that's a yes?

I follow her out and see her walking towards the elevator

I run up behind her and grab her arm but she pulls away

"Can we please talk?" I ask again

She sighs and looks at me "can this wait?"

"Um...no" I said

She grabs my hand and walks me back to our room. We walk in and sit on our bed

"What do you wanna know?" She asks

"Why don't you like Hannah?"

She sighs again "do you really want to know?"

I nod me head and she starts talking

**Danielle's POV**


I was walking out from lunch when Hannah stopped me

"What do you want?" I asked rudely

"You're boyfriend" she smirks

"Well too bad...he's mine and you can't do anything about it"

"Actually, I can" she sneers "either you break up with Trevor by the end of the day, or well...I don't think you want to know about the 'or'"

"Whatever...I'm late for class" I say and push past her

**end of the day**

**Trevor's POV**

I was walking out to the back field because Hannah texted me and told me she needed to tell me something

I got out there and saw something I never wanted to see...Danielle, kissing someone else!

"What the hell!" I yelled at her

She pushed the dude away and turned to me with tears in her eyes

"I'm so sorry" she whispers

"Don't apologize, we're done!" I yelled and walked away

Maybe Hannah will understand...

**end of flashback**

**Hayes' POV**

After she finished telling me she turned her face away from me

"I'm so sorry" I tell her setting my hand on her thigh

She looks at me and weakly smiles "thanks Hayes...I'm sorry about how I acted earlier"

"It's ok...I understand now" I said pulling her into a hug

She hugged me back and we just stayed that way for awhile

**Danie's POV**

"Maybe I should go home" Hannah says to JJ

"I second that" I mumble

"No baby, I promise we can work this out (A/N: WE GOT TO WORK, WORK, WORK THIS OUT, WE CAN MAKE THINGS RIGHT THE SUN WILL SHINE)...I'm sure it's nothing" JJ replies ignoring me

"Really? Ya...ruin some someone's relationship is nothing! Right Hannah?" I spat

"Wait? What is she talking about" JJ asked

"Nothing, I'll talk to you about it later" she says sweetly

"No, I think he should find out now, don't you?" I say

She was silent

"Ok, I'll tell them" I started "this girl, made Danielle and her boyfriend breakup so she could date him...sounds about right, doesn't it Hannah?"

"Whatever" she said "come on Jack" she said grabbing JJ's hand

"No, please stay! I'm not done" I smirked

She stopped and I continued talking

"Oh...I have a good one! How about that one time at our 7th grade dance! Do you want to tell this one?" I ask her

"Stop drawing attention to yourself" she spats

"I'll take that as a no...so, she decided to put something in my drink that made me throw up all over Brandon's shoes...right?" I say narrowing my gaze at her

"I'm not going to stay here and listen to you insult me...I've changed and I really thought we might become friends" she says and stomps out with JJ

Everyone was sitting there with open mouths

"What" I said eyeing all of them

"Nothing" they all mumbled looking back at their phones

"Thought so" I said and walked out


Hi lovelies!

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Love ya😘


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