Chapter 10-The Battle Of The Boybands and New Roommates

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A/N: Heyy! I know I haven't updated lately, sorry.

-Cordelia's P.O.V-

        Today we were shooting episode 3 of #Bandcamp. Todrick had us all together to go over what was going to be happening the next couple days.

        "Alright everyone, we're a little behind schedule. Cordie, boo, welcome back."

        I smiled at him and nodded.

        "Now, since none of you have had time to practice your performances or gotten to work with your partner, we'll be switching up rooms."

        I could feel Cole stare at the back of my head and I wished at that moment I could just disappear. Ever since our kiss, its been awkward between us.

        "So Liz, you'll be moving out of yours and Harper's room and will be moving into Gabe and David's room."

        Gabe winked at Liz and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as she blushed.

        "David, you'll be moving in with Harper."

        David and Harper smiled flirty-like at each other.

        "Dana, you'll be moving in with Anna."

        I realized, weirdly, that Anna was wearing one of Dana's snapbacks. Hmmm.

        "Cordie, you'll be moving out of yours and Anna's room and in with Cole."

        I tried to ignore Cole while he was trying to get my attention. Ugh, it was already awkward enough now. Now we have to be in the same room together.

        "Will, Mya, since the two of you had the single rooms, which are right next to each other. You two are fine."

        Will and Mya looked away from each other and blushed.

        "Alright, now we need to get onto shooting. Let's go!"

-The Battle Of The Boybands/Anna's P.O.V-

        Todrick wanted all of us girls to dress up since we were all supposed to be acting as though we knew the boys were gonna win, even though they wouldn't. So we were all dressed up as though we were gonna be going out afterwards.

        Harper pulled on a jean jacket over her outfit causing me to laugh.

        Liz's whole outfit was Batman themed, but she still looked classy.

        Mya played with her music note necklace as she peered at her reflection.

        Cordelia went all out, as she was currently clasping a string of real pearls around her neck, she looked as though she stepped right out of the 50's.

        I pulled my black snapback with all the jewels on as we made our way downstairs. We were going to be meeting Toddy and IM5 at the set since the boys didn't know we were dressing up.

        We finally arrived at the set and made our way inside. Vonzelle spotted us and grinned. We also noticed that surprisingly, all of IM5's parents were there. Weird.

        Toddy looked up from where him, the boys, Vonzelle, Chester, and Kory were talking. He grinned and we realized the camera's were filming and were now pointing at us.

        "Well boys, it seems your teachers are here."

        The boys of IM5 turned around and all gasped when they saw us. I blushed as I saw Dana staring at me in awe.

        We made our ways to all of them and Cordie grinned at them.

        "Alright boys, this is it. Me and the rest of the girls know you're gonna be amazing. Break a leg."

        Cordie, even in heels, had to lean up a little and kiss Cole's cheek. His face broke out in a pink flush and I could see Mr. and Mrs. Pendery talking and looking at them both.

        Cordie then went down the row of boys, wishing them luck and kissing their cheeks, sometimes giving hugs. The other four of us followed suit and I blushed as I kissed Dana's cheek and hugged him.

        "Go get 'em boys!"

        We all laughed at Liz and the boys were off.

-Skipping The Battle/Still Anna's P.O.V-

        We were now shooting the end of the episode, where the boys are all dejected from losing.

        "You five will beat The Triple Tones next time at the finals, no doubt."

        Finally cut was called and the third episode was now finished. We got to talk to the boys' parents a bit before we left. Cordie got along extremely well with all of them, especially Mrs. Pendery who was already treating her like a daughter.

        Gabe, Liz, and Mrs. Martin had stood off to the side and all spoke to each other in Spanish. I didn't know Liz spoke Spanish. Hmmm, maybe Cordie or Gabe taught her.

        I actually got to meet Dana's parents and they seemed extremely nice. Dana and his dad kept messing around and their bond as father and son was strong, you could see it. Mrs. Vaughns took to talking to me and it was quite nice to talk with her.

        I could see Harper on David's back as he ran around in front of his parents.

        Mya was speaking to Mrs. Behlendorf and seemed to be enjoying herself. Will was blushing a lot though I noticed.

        Lily (our manager), Jill, Toddy, Vonzelle, Kory, and Chester all talked on another side of the set.

        "Alrigtht all of you! You ten, we've got to go! We have a long day tomorrow!"

        The boys all said goodbye to parents after we did and we all headed back.

-Todrick's Place/Cole and Cordelia's Room/Cole's P.O.V-

        I walked into the room that I was now sharing with Cordelia and I noticed all of her stuff on her bed. I could hear the water running and I realized there were no towels in there. Hmm, maybe I can sneak in and put some towels in there.

        I carefully opened the door and went to set the fluffy white towels on the toilet seat. As I did that, Cordelia turned off the water and pulled the curtain back. We stared at each other in shock for a moment until she snapped out of it and pulled the curtain again.


        My face went read and I started stuttering.

        " We-well, I knew there were no towels so I came to drop some off and then you opened the curtain and..."

        She cut me off.

        "I know that part sugar, now, could you hand me a towel?"

        I blush again and hand her one, our hands momentarily brushing.

        Cordelia came out a few moments later, the towel wrapped around her.

        "Cole Alan, get out of here so I can get dressed you. Out, shoo."

        I headed out of the bathroom, still embarrassed I had seen Cordie naked.

        She came out a little bit later wearing her pj's, heading into her bed.

        "Night Cole."

        "Night Cordie."

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