Chapter 3-The Shooting

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-Dana's P.O.V-
        The Guardian Angels just went off to change cause it ended up that they had a show right before coming here, which is why the matched. I still couldn't believe this, THE Guardian Angels were going to be staring in #Bandcamp with us! All five of us loved their band and I could tell Will was trying not to faint when they came in, especially since he had a HUGE crush on Mya Barnes. I'd say Anna Lance was good-looking myself.
        Todrick and his crew were setting up the cameras for the scene where we would first be introduced to "Boonquisha", "Jeffrey", and The Guardian Angels.
        "Alright boys, ready?" Todrick asked us. We all nodded.
        "And, may I introduce you to some dear friends of mine, The Guardian Angels."
        The five of them walked in and we dropped our stared at them wide eyed much like we did when they first came in. Each of them now wore something different from their previous black and blue clothing while each girl sported a small grin. 
        "Are these the boys you were telling us about Todrick? IM5 correct?"
        Cole nodded dumbly as Cordelia asked the question from her script.
        "Yes they are. Now, boys, the girls have graciously agreed to help the five of you in preparing for the Battle of The Boybands. Boonquisha will be the entire band's vocal coach, but each girl will take on one of you personally to help you one-on-one. Mya will be with Will, Anna with Dana, Liz with Gabe, Harper with David, and then Cordelia with Cole."
        "How do we even know they'll be able to help us? Yeah, they're good singers but how can we tell if they'll improve our performances?" Gabe asked.
        None of us really wanted to ask that question, but it was in the script so someone had to say it. A smirk curled up onto a couple of the girl's faces as they looked at us.
        "Oh really? Well, if you need proof..." Harper trailed off, a cruel smile playing on her lips as the girls got into a line and began singing a familiar song. (Song on the side)
        Our mouths dropped open as the girls sang beautifully, their voices melding and complementing each other as though they were meant to be a band. As they finished the acapella that would later have the studio version added on top of it, all of our faces grew into grins and Todrick yelled cut.
        "Take a break you ten. We'll probably finish shooting the rest of the episode just because its getting late."
        Harper jumped onto Cordelia's back causing the latter to fake-groan. Anna was doing something on her phone while Liz and Mya discussed something. We go to the living room where Cordelia dropped Harper onto the couch face first.
        "Holy crap Spiderwoman. You're heavy!!!"
        Cordelia dropped onto another couch while throwing her arm over eyes.
        "I AM NOT! Stop being so dramatic Koala!"
        Me and the guys looked at each other confused.
        "HEY! You two do realize that those five don't understand who's Koala and who's Spiderwoman, right?" Mya looked slightly annoyed as she looked at her two bandmates.
        "Oh yeah. Hey Snapback!" Harper shouted at Anna while throwing a pillow at her.
        "Explain to the boys of IM5 why we're calling each other different names stupid."
        Anna sighed and put her phone in her pocket.
        "We all call each other by nicknames. Cordelia is Koala because when I first met her I thought she said we could call her koala as a shortening of her name whereas she said 'Cordie'. Harper is Spiderwoman because Spiderman is her favorite superhero. Mya is called Pikachu because she likes Pokémon. Liz is called Batgirl or Catwoman cause she loves Batman. And then I'm called Snapback for obvious reasons."
        We nodded. "That makes way more sense now." The five of us sat by each of the girls, it was Cole and Cordelia, Liz and Gabe, David and Harper, Mya and Will, and finally Anna and I.
        "Hey, you guys want to order pizza?" Liz asked, picking up her phone.
        We all made different sounds of agreement. All of a sudden Cole's phone goes off, a bright smile lighting his face that seemed a little forced.
        "Hey Babe!" He said excited, Anna was looking at Cordelia curiously and I saw that her eyes were downcast and she had moved to the other side of the couch.
        "Hey guys, is it all right if Cassidy comes over?"
        Liz went to go check to see if it was alright with Todrick coming back saying it was fine. Cordelia got off the couch as Cole got off the phone and began walking up the stairs.
        "Cordie? Where ya going?" Cole asked, drawing everyone's attention to the girl trying to sneak up the stairs.
        "Oh, I just uh, have to go check something on my laptop." She stuttered before shooting off. Harper's eyebrow raised and Anna got up.
        "I'm going to see if she needs help. Call us down when the pizza gets here."

A/N: HEY! Sorry I didn't update for a couple days. Ohhhh, it looks to be a little drama in the area with Cassidy. And Alex won't be dating Gabe in this just cause I can't split them up so they're just friends. Ok?

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