Chapter 5: A Fresh Start

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Monday approached quickly, and I couldn't wait for my interview. Naturally, I was nervous, because I'm not at all qualified for a sales position, and because I was going to see Jim. I dressed professionally of course, wearing my best pantsuit, listening to my power music (Fleetwood Mac) on the drive there. After parking my car around 9:15, I did a breathing exercise and took some long breaths. Sometimes, when I got really nervous, I started talking to my mom. I whispered to her, looking at the steering wheel, praying this interview to go well. I needed this job so bad.

Still a few minutes early, I made my way upstairs, and opened the office door, the cameras immediately panning towards me. I waved at the camera and greeted Pam, who was excited for me.

She was smiling, and she stood up to give me a hug. "Good morning! Are you ready?"

"Oof, I think so. Not really, but I'm faking it today," I replied, smiling, smoothening my clothes. I turned and saw Jim, who was looking at me.

"Hey Paris," he said with a small smile. He nervously coughed and looked back at his computer and I walked over, waving at Phyllis.

"Hey Jim," I said, taking a deep breath. "Um, is it okay if I hug you?"

He smiled and nodded before standing and embracing me. He no longer had his smell of smoke, but the Old Spice remained. I sunk into the hug, absorbing the warmth he was emitting from underneath his soft dress shirt.

"I'm sorry about Friday, Jim," I said as I pulled away, looking at his eyes.

"No — you were right to say all that."

"I know. But, um, still." He looked deeply into my eyes as I said this and I pulled away, somehow feeling Michael's presence.

"Paris! Good morning, how's it hanging?" He said in a funny voice, and I turned around.

"Hi Michael, good to see you again."

"Did you miss me? Is that why you're here?" He said in a hushed voice, and I stepped back and he leaned closer.

"Uh — Michael —"

"Michael, she's here interviewing for the sales position. I texted you about this," Pam said, saving me.

He looked surprised before pretending to remember their conversation. "Right! Okay. You ready Paris?"

"Yes," I said, inhaling, and I looked over at Jim as Michael led me into his office.

"Good luck Vance."

"Thanks, Halpert."

The door shut, and Michael and I were alone.

The interview actually went much better than I expected. Michael was totally appropriate and gracious and asked all the right questions. While a strange and excitable person, I could tell he was a smart boss. I informed him that due to my student status, I would need to work part-time (which would actually save his company money) so I brought my intended schedule along with my resume and letter of recommendation. I would work Mondays and Wednesdays as half-days, coming in the morning and leaving around 11, and then Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I would work the full 9-5.

"My one worry, Paris, if you don't mind me saying this, is that I don't think you're qualified to work a sales position. So, my question is, why do you think you should be a salesperson?"

I bit the end of my tongue — this was the question I was dreading.

"Well, I'll be honest, you're right, I'm not qualified. But I'm smart and a fast-learner, and I promise, whatever you throw at me, I can take and absorb and become stronger. I know you don't know me, so there's no way for you to know that, but in my thesis advisor's recommendation, she mentions that I'm resilient, and I am. I know that I can fill this position and that I can do it well. And, I really wanna work here. It seems like it's a great environment."

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