Chapter 8: About Time

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A few weeks passed, and February came. After our fight in the lobby, things were a little awkward between me and Jim, but they eventually diffused, and we started talking and joking around again. We actually pulled an elaborate prank on Dwight together last week, where we changed his name on everything at his desk to say Schwight Drute. He came into work and was fuming, and stomped over to Toby to file a complaint about both of us. It was awesome.

Anyway, things were better between me and him. Usually he spent about an hour per day at reception, but he was spending less and less time with Pam after the Booze Cruise. I wasn't able to go because I had school, but I knew from Phyllis that Roy and Pam picked a date, which I know must have affected Jim in some way, but he and I weren't talking about it. After the cruise, he seemed pretty normal, better, actually. He told me he felt lighter, and while I didn't really know what that meant, I assumed it was good.

It was 4:45pm on a Friday, and everyone was exhausted. I finished up calling some clients, and caught Jim staring at me.

"What?" I said, "Do I have something in my teeth?"

He chuckled, smiling widely. "No, actually, I just realized something."


"Yeah. Hey, do you think I can talk to you in the kitchen?"

I felt a little uneasy, but I smiled and told him 'Okay.' What could he have to tell me? My heart was racing as we walked into the kitchen, and he looked at me in such a beautiful way.

"What's going on, Jim?"

"Paris, I, uh, I'm over Pam." My heart was beating so quickly as he said it, and I wanted to hug and kiss him so much, I had to restrain myself from jumping his bones.

"You are?" I answered breathlessly, feeling my palms get sweaty.

"I really, really want to go on date with you," he said dreamily, breathless himself.

"And when would said date take place?"

"Tonight," he replied, smiling. "Do you have plans?" I shook my head, moving some hair out of my face. "Can you be at my house at 8?"

"Yes, I can," I bubbled, feeling lighter myself.

"Okay, well I'll see you then."

"Okay." I bit my lip, and he left the kitchen.

"We're going on a date!" I burst. "I can't believe it. I guess Pam and Roy picking a date ended things with her for him. I would've thought he would've been sad, but maybe it didn't affect him like he thought it would. God, I'm so excited! I have no idea what I'm gonna wear..."

"Yeah, I asked out Paris today," Jim said, looking into the camera, unable to contain his happiness. "I'm gonna make her dinner and blow her mind. I think it's about time."

Pining for Paris/Jim HalpertWhere stories live. Discover now