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Hello guys the Award is offically closed for entries and we are not accepting anymore.

The categories which had less than 10 entries are terminated that is

▪ Adventure - 6/20

▪ Diverse Lit - 7/20

▪ Horror - 4/20

▪ Non- Fiction - 6/20

▪ Urban - 2/20

▪ Vampire - 7/20

But dont worry guys because we decided to make a new category for you guys, so that you would still have a chance to win. And that is

■ "The Best Four" Category!

The rewards will be the same as anyother category.

And the judges are the same as, who were accepted for rhe respective Category's.

And for the judges who did not got any books to judge, they will be messaged the books which need to be judged, till the end of the day.

And we are in short of Thriller Judges so please if you are intersted please enter. (Pretty please)

Thank you for sticking with us till now!


And I wanna announce the rewards for the Book Title and Cover winner Awards.

• They will get mentioned in "Reading list!"

▪1st place
▪2nd Place
▪3rd place

Yeah! Thank you again!

Have a happy day!

LY Awards 2020 {Closed}Where stories live. Discover now