Werewolf Winners

67 7 2

"Even if you did not win this time, do not lose hope, keep writing and one day you surely will win in life."


Worth Mentioning

> Therealdera - The Female Alpha

Judged by ~ zohara_khan


Special Mention

> WinterLafae - The Dark Wolf Brothers: Jax

Judged by ~ Mistories


• A shout out on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad.

• The book will be added to the "Ly awards 2020" reading list.

• Sticker


Third Place Winner

> WutheringAeronaut - His Once

Judged by ~ Mistories


• A shout out on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad.

• The book will be added to the "Ly awards 2020" reading list.

• Sticker

• An animal chibi.


Second Place Winner

> MissFantasyy - The Ancients

Judged by ~ KatySantiago8


• A shout out on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad.

• The book will be added to the "Ly awards 2020" reading list.

• Sticker

• An Anime chibi (You're free to select it's Gender)


First Place Winner

> BeckyRuef - Warrior Princess

Judged by ~ zohara_khan


• A shout out on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad.

• The book will be added to the "Ly awards 2020" reading list.

•A Sticker

• A review of the book on Instagram, wattpad and Twitter

• A book cover


Thanks for participating (^-^)

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