Schwarze Stahl-Albträume (mini-chapter)

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(all of these events are happening between the time you were drugged and were being transported by Akagi to the Sakura Empire..)

Whittman: (waking in your nightmare to the smell of smoke)

(you get up and shield your face from the heat and flames that surround you)

What happened while I was out?

(walking around what looked to be a destroyed base, you come across several destroyed ships in the harbor, the sky is blackened with a lightning storm overhead)

(Fearful) Impossible.....nothing should have been able to come that close to the base.....!!!

(you begin running, looking horrified by all of the destroyed ship and buildings)

Whittman: (watching manjuu's frantically scramble to put out roaring flames on crumbling buildings, you realize that you haven't see the other ships yet and continue running to find them)

(using your radio to contact all Ironblood ships while continuing your search)

 Radio hail, this is the KMS Whittman does anybody read? 

(only static can be heard, you try again)

I repeat, this is the KMS Whittman, anyone please respond!

(nothing but static fills your ear)

Impossible...did they evacuate for some reason? (bombers could be heard from overhead, along with the sounds of distant naval gun batteries)

Whittman: (Terrified) no, not here...

(rushing to harbor, an arching shell explodes next to you throwing you to the ground)

Whittman: Verdammt!!! (you pick yourself up and continue back towards the harbor)

Who the hell would be bold enough to attack us like this...(you look up and brace yourself for a squadron of planes strafing you)

Whittman: SCHEISSE, where the hell is my rig!!!! (none of the rounds penetrated your armor, but your rig is nowhere to be found)

(finally reaching the harbor, you see that your ship hasn't even been damaged. you touch it and it separates into cubes and turns into your rig)

(your rig lets out a defiant roar out at the ocean, where you see the endless amounts of ships of all classes, but you pick out two of them. The two that almost ended you.)

Whittman: So they finally show themselves....(clenching your mechanical hand out pure rage and hatred)

(Rushing out onto the open water, you made a fatal mistake and were surrounded by hundreds of nameless and faceless ships)

(Your guns begin firing all of their main canons trying to break the encirclement, though the more you destroy another takes it's place)

Whittman: Keep firing  until you can fire no more!!!! FÜR DEN RUHM DER EISENBLUT!!!! (your canons fire everything their as fast as they could but when your ammo ran dry) (you take your Iron cross and clasp it in your hand, saying your final peace)

Whittman: Obwohl ich dem Tod in die Augen starre..... werde ich dem Feind keine Angst zeigen!

(you stare at the ships that disabled you in eyes)

(against overwhelming odds you stood defiantly , as the ship with the bow drew and released an arrow ending it all in one blow)

(The hunt begins)

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