A Peaceful Realm (Chpt 6)

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The rest of the walk was quiet after the heartfelt conversation with Atago went to sadness. It was apparent that she already made an attachment to you even if you tried to make an effort to prevent it. There was heavy tension in the air around you and Atago, maybe you shouldn't have tried to push her away but you made your choice on that matter. Now the only objective left was to visit the shrine and just calm yourself for a while.)

You notice that it was quieter than the lower levels, where there was ships moving about and laughing together like family, the mountain was a place for reflection, a place to change yourself for the better.)

(You decide to try and break the tension between the two of you by making small talk as you still had a ways to go up the steps.)

Whittman: How did you build this place, did you use heavy machinery or just the manjuus?

Atago's ears perked up as if she was glad that you finally decided to speak again)

Atago: All you see before you was built by our creator, you don't really have any gods do you?

Whittman: No, Ironblood saw no need for gods or great deities in our cause, we only see the harsh reality we all need to face at the end of it all. Even I do not see the need for a god at Ironblood, it just doesn't match how we are or what we stand for.

Atago: I see, so you do not pray often do you?

Whittman: No, I never needed to. I was thrown into this hell of a war to fight, not to pray to a god that I've never known. (Sighs) I just don't want to fight a pointless war, all sides share a common enemy and that is the sirens. Atago, why do you continue to try and stay close to me even though I pushed you away several times?

Atago: I am the self proclaimed caretaker of the Sakura empire, it is my duty in life to make sure that everyone that I care about is in good spirits and health.

Whittman: I see, now just out of curiosity....what do you see in me that makes you want to stay?

Atago is taken aback by the sudden question, she felt like you were asking her on a date of some sort.)
Atago: Well, I saw someone who's body language was tense and asking for a way to release all of it. Though I can not say what else makes me stay.

You tilt your head a little to the side, but you decide against questioning her motives further, you were already reaching the final steps to the shrine.)

Atago: We are here, maybe you can relax when we get inside.

Whittman: I take it you were coming here as well?

Atago: Even I need some time alone every once in a while. Also I thought it would be a good idea to accompany an ally who's never been here before.

Whittman: I'm beginning to wonder if you had any other motives than those for guiding me here.

Atago blushes a little, though she tries to make sure you wouldn't notice it only made you acknowledge how she felt further. You snicker as she tries to get you to look away for a minute so she can get herself together.)

Whittman: Atago, there really is no use hiding it. I already know how you feel now, you can't deny it either cause you can't keep a straight face. (You let a light laugh escape, it's the most fun you've had with someone in a long time)

Atago gathers herself after a minute and begins making her comeback.)

Atago: Oh I'm the one who can't keep a straight face, well I'm not the one who hides their face behind a mask.

You and Atago begin exchanging comebacks for a few minutes, both of which trying to one up the other. After the ordeal outside the shrine the two of you make you way inside to see the ornate and serene interior.)

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