x. february 29th, 2012

419 21 3

"Today's the big day, Clara!" The Doctor sang. He fixed up his bowtie, his special bowtie (they were all special), before bounding out to the lounge room. After four days of restlessness and pure boredom, he was itching to get into the TARDIS and take a ride to 1552. "I appreciate your hospitality, but I must be on my way—"

He immediately cut himself off when he saw the pale and worry stricken face of Ms. Oswald herself. He noticed the aged papers scattered on the coffee table before her as if she were trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle. She glanced to him, her eyes pleading for him to come forward and explain.

"Doctor, I thought you said the last time you saw Abraham was 1548?"

"Yes, I met his daughter. Don't remember much about her but—"

"Doctor," she said his name with a much more frantic tone this time. "There are journal entries here from 1552 and 1556."

"No..." He kept up a smile, convincing himself she was having herself a little jest. "No, that's not right at all."

"See for yourself," she frowned. And he did. He read them and she absorbed them and he learned of the years he had apparently forgotten.

He could not hear Clara calling out for him as he ran to the bustling streets of London. As he pushed buttons and pulled levers all he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears and the Scottish accent of a man who had stolen Abraham's attention.

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