iv. february 26th, 2012

564 24 4

"I made some tea!" The Doctor chimed as he practically skipped into the living room. How he didn't spill any of the liquid was a mystery not even Sherlock Holmes could attempt to solve.

Clara barely paid an ounce of attention to her close friend, grunting out a small sound of gratitude and slowly lifting the cup to her soft lips. The steaming leaf remedy barely grazed her tongue before she grimaced.

The Doctor chugged his own cup happily, oblivious to how it truly tasted. Alien tastebuds and all that.

"Doctor, I just had a question," Clara said, clearing her throat in a futile attempt to rid of the rancid taste. He looked over the rim of his mug to show she had his undivided attention. "He seemed so... lonely. Why did you never take him somewhere else?"

The Doctor was not caught off guard by the suggestion. He continued to sip at his drink and shrugged nonchalantly.

"It was not meant to be." He let out a grin. It was the type of smile where his mind wandered and his eyes looked towards a land out of his godly grasp. Clara sensed a hint of pride in his voice, but for what she was not certain. Was he proud of the self control he exhibited with Abraham?

"He was that special then?" Clara hummed. It amazed her. Abraham had no special qualities. He was a lonely noble boy doomed to live a hilariously short life. He did not have some plot twisting or mind bending story like all of The Doctor's past companions had.

The alien man seemed to read her mind, and he chuckled.

"When will you learn, Clara? Every creature is special in their own right."

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