ix. february 29th, 1548

415 26 11

journal entry #7 AN ENTRY ON THE VISIT

The Doctor had leaped into my arms before the doors of his ship had even fully opened. They slammed backwards when met with his shoulders, as did I, stumbling close to the fireplace until the heat was nipping at my calfs.

I had barely ever seen him like this, but I did not speak ill of it. I had become the same way over the years.

"Let go, my friend!" I laughed deeply and began to playfully push at his torso. "Let me see this new face of yours!"

It was as if he had forgotten he had regenerated, for he let out a great big gasp and released me. I watched as he stepped back, adjusting his colorful bowtie and the jacket of his makeshift suit.

After a few moments he spread out his arms, as if to say 'Get a load of this!'

"You look so young, Doctor!" I patted his cheek and swiped some lint off his arm, both of us being caught in an endless loop of laughter. I looked into his eyes. The eyes I loved so dearly. They were the same, but with time glazed with a new hope.

"Me?!" He cried. "Look at yourself, Abraham! You're 24 and you don't look a day over 20!"

We collapsed into a fit of childish giggles once more. Soon enough we made our way over to the blazing fireplace, ignoring the perfectly comfortable chairs and sitting beside one another on the floor.

"Who has been keeping you company all these years, Doctor," I asked. He grinned lightly and rocked a bit from the soft memories that suddenly enveloped him. I had never even heard the names of other humans that were blessed with presence. I did not expect much to come from his lips, but my request seemed to work.

"Amelia Pond and Rory Pond." The way he looked off. They were just as much family to him as he was family to me.


"Husband and wife."

"Ahhh, that must be quite interesting at times!"

"It is," he nodded, before turning to me wildly. "Enough about me! How's your wife doing? What about Horatio; Granpa's been missing him!"

The Doctor had barely said anything about himself, but I suppose the names had been enough. The fact that he had even uttered their names said everything, so I gave him what he wanted.

"Jesabele is as ethereal as ever. She and Maryanne are very happy with one another, and I would not have it any other way," I shook my head with thought. It was as if the two women were children, always getting into mischief with one another. But Maryanne helped raised our children as her own, so she was as good as family in my eyes. "And Horatio is nine now, can you believe it? He wants to learn Spanish so bad."

"French and Spanish are very similar is some aspects," The Doctor informed me. "Perhaps you could help him reach his goals. And what about Kasey?"

I felt my dark cheeks darken even further at the thought of the love of my life and our past four years together. "Kasey is... there are no words."

"That good, eh?" He chuckled. The Doctor recognized what I was feeling. He had seen love in every single form.

"Life has been absolutely fantastic," I hummed. My eyes suddenly widened, and I placed a hurried hand on his shoulder. "Doctor, how could I not tell you of the best part!"

"And that would b—"

He halted himself as the door to my bedroom creaked open, a little head poking through. He was not used to people randomly showing themselves during our visits, yet gasped as I opened my arms to the stranger and beckoned them forward.

"Glen, we were just talking of you!" I called as she ran into my arms.

"Papa?" She asked with a small finger pointed in The Doctor's direction. He turned his neck to see if he was actually the person of interest.

"Glen, sweetheart, this is The Doctor," I explained to her. I placed a hand on her stomach to keep her steady, her body wavering as she became more shy. I knew she would not let her shyness get the best of her, for her curiosity usually rang supreme. "He is a good friend of mine, and just popped by for a visit."

"And who is this precious girl?" The Doctor cooed. He waved softly as not to startle her, and she cautiously removed her pudgy hand from one of her two curly pigtails and waved back.

"This is my daughter, Glen, of course!" I chuckled. "Jesabele and I had decided we wanted another child. Maryanne and Kasey agreed."

"And how old are you?" Glen held up two fingers, pride shimmering in her eyes. Slowly, as she became more comfortable, she would peel herself from my side. The Doctor simply laughed and continued on. "Wow, you're quite the young one, Ms. Glen. What's it like having that many parents? Not many humans experience it."

"Good," a small smile peeked through. As far as Glen was concerned, all four of us were her parents. She did not know how birth worked, but when she did learn I could only hope she would not resent us. "What is... box?"

We both stared at her in confusion. She noticed this, so she walked up to The Doctor, pointing to him again before sliding her finger towards his ship.

"Ah," he chuckled, "my box? Would you look to hear a story?"

Glen let out a tiny gasp, her eyes shining with childish wonder as she nodded vigorously. I noticed how the two spoke with simple actions, my daughter climbing into my friend's lap as he began to speak of one of his millions of adventures.

I knew she would not remember this day, for she was too young, but I would treasure for all the years to come.

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