I won't ever let you go

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Penelope's pov

We got up around 6 to go get ready to go out. After we got dressed we went into the bathroom to do our hair and makeup. Jojo did her makeup first while I did my hair. After I was done curling my hair, I started my makeup. We have been listening to music and dancing the whole time just having a good time. While I was putting on mascara our song photograph came on and Josie started to sing along. I watched her in awh. She has an amazing voice and I love when she sings. She pulled me up off the stool I was on and started to dance with me. I spun her around while she giggled. God I love this women with all of my heart.
"I won't ever let you go" Josie sung
She put her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer to me while we swayed back and forth. We stared into each other's eyes
"You won't ever be alone" we sung together
we both were teary eyed looking at each
other smiling like idiots.

wait for me to come home

The song ended and I leaned in to kiss her. I pulled away and smiled at her.
"I'm going to marry you one day Jojo" I smiled at her
"That was the cutest thing I have ever seen" Hope said in awh standing in the door way with Lizzie
"Yeah, Jo I approve of satan now" she smiled
"Thank you lizzie" I smiled and looked up at Josie

Hope and Lizzie told us to meet them down stairs in 10 minutes so could leave
Josie looked back at me and smiled
"She finally approves of you Penny" Josie beamed
"I'm so happy she approves of us Jojo" I smiled at her
"Come on let's go get wasted" I laughed and lead her down the stairs
"Ready to go guys?" Hope said
"Hell yeah!" we all said and laughed together

Hope drove us to her favorite bar and we all got in because of our fake IDs. I orded Jojo and I some shots as did Hope and Lizzie. 30 minutes later we were all wasted except Hope because tribrids apparently have a high alcohol tolerance. I was pretty drunk but no where near as drunk as Lizzie and Josie.
"Hi pretty" Josie stumbled over to me
"Woah be careful there Jojo" I laughed

Hope decided we should go back home even though we've only been here for about an hour. She also insisted that she was okay enough to drive.

Once we got back home I lead Josie upstairs while Hope took care of Lizzie.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are" Josie slurred
"Thank you Jojo" I smiled at her while leading her into our room and setting her on the bed
"Arms up" I told her so I could take her shirt off. Once I reached for the hem of her shirt to pull off she pulled back all of the sudden.
"Woah there I have a girlfriend that I love very much" Josie hiccuped
That's so cute does she really not recognize me
"Jojo it's me" I giggled
"Penny?" she asked reaching out to touch my face
"I'm right here baby" I smiled at her
I finally got her to let me take her clothes off so I could put her in some more comfortable clothes then I took her makeup off.
I went into the bathroom to remove my makeup and get ready for bed.
Once I was done I went back into the room to find Josie sitting up waiting for me
"Hi baby, ready for bed?" I asked smiling at her
she shook her head yes
I got to the bed and pulled her into me so we could cuddle. I kissed her forehead then I went to bed wondering how on earth I got so lucky

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